2010 Law and Security Conference

In an effort to stimulate further debate about law and security in the midst of the global fight against terrorism, the Washington, D.C.-based Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies and the Vienna, Austria-based Educational Initiative for Central and Eastern Europe (EICEE) are convening the 2010 Law and Security Conference.

With courses led by eminent U.S. law professors and international law attorneys, this conference will offer current insights on, and facilitate discussions about, the roles and responsibilities of international bodies such as the United Nations in the war on terror, the proper balance of security measures and civil and religious liberties, and regional security measures taken by the United States and nations of Europe. The Law and Security Conference will take place on 1–4 August 2010 at Castle Neuwaldegg in Vienna, Austria and is open to 40 law students and law professors from throughout Central and Eastern Europe.

As background, the Federalist Society is a Washington, D.C.-based legal and educational organization founded in 1982 on the principles of limited government, the separation of powers, the rule of law, and the protection of national sovereignty. Today, the Federalist Society includes more than 40,000 lawyers, law students, scholars, and other individuals who believe and trust that individual citizens can make the best choices for themselves and society. For more information on the Federalist Society, please visit its website at www.fed-soc.org.

EICEE is a network of civil society institutions dedicated to fostering free, just and democratic societies in the nations of Eastern Europe. EICEE affiliates are located in Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia, Estonia, Macedonia, and Bulgaria. With a distinguished Board of Advisors that includes Vaclav Havel (former President of the Czech Republic), Mart Laar (former Prime Minister of Estonia) and Dr. José Piñera (former Minister of Labor, Chile), EICEE seeks to provide educational programs that network young leaders and professionals throughout the Central and Eastern European region, assisting them in an effort to advance human development in three core areas: economic freedom, political freedom and cultural freedom. For more information on EICEE, please visit our website at: www.eicee.org.

Those students who are selected to attend the 2010 Law and Security Conference will receive full scholarships, covering the costs of housing at Castle Neuwaldegg, meals, speakers, books, and materials.

To apply for the 2010 Law and Security Conference, applicants are required to submit:
1. Curriculum Vitae (include gender/sex for rooming purposes)
2. Application Form
3. Short cover letter explaining your interest in attending this Conference and highlighting any leadership and organizational experience

Please, if you are interested, request an application form from by emailing Ken Wiltberger at: kenw@fed-soc.org.

Deadline for applications is Thursday, 1 July 2010. Applications will be reviewed as they arrive and there are a limited number of spaces, so please do not wait to register and apply!

Contact information: Ken Wiltberger - kenw@fed-soc.org, Mark E. Hanssen - hanssenm@eicee.org.

International Summer Week 2010 in Sardinia

Would you like to experience the unique Mediterranean summer? Do you want to visit an ancient land where, close to some of the most beautiful white beaches you can also find historic monuments? Would you like to attend an international camp along with 150 other youngsters like you, from dozens of countries around the world, who are up for having a great time on the beach by day and at the club at night? If your answer to all of the above is YES then join "International Summer Week 2010"!

International Summer Week is an international meeting that has taken place every August since 1998 in Sardinia, the pearl of the Mediterranean sea. Through the years we have had more than 2,000 young people from all over the world! This year the International Summer Week will be held on August 02-09, 2010

Fun, sea, nature and culture are the elements that make International Summer Week an incredible unforgettable experience. So what are you waiting for? Click on the link here under and apply to take part in the next edition of International Summer Week!

Eligible participants. All interested people aged 18 - 35 are welcome to apply. What counts is that you want to meet people from various countries and that you want to have fun.

Costs. For foreign participant - 320 Euro if application and deposit payment are received after May 1st. For Italians - 350 Euro if application and deposit payment are received after May 1st. The fee includes food, accommodation, transportation to events listed in agenda, and entry fees to discos. The fee does NOT include travel costs to reach or to leave Cagliari from your country or town neither transportation to/from the airport to the residence.

Fill in the application form right away in order to register for International Summer Week 2010 in Sardinia, Italy: http://www.tdm2000.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=19&Itemid=14

Scholarships for Courses in Design, Fashion and Communications

Instituto Europeo di Design, Madrid, Europe´s most innovative design school, launches its competition for scholarships for the following 1-year-long courses in Design, Fashion and Communications.

* One year course on Total Design
* One year course on Fashion Communication

One Year Courses taught in English run for one whole academic year as an experience across different fields of design and communication. They are designed for individuals who seek to gain their first professional skills in the areas of fashion, interior & product design, visual arts, advertising and marketing. All key subjects required for professional development of project design and culture are covered from both the theoretical and practical perspectives. One of the subjects is Spanish language, so you get to learn your chosen discipline and Spanish throughout the year. In addition, students who successfully complete these courses can opt to enrol in a two-month bridging course specific to their chosen field of study (fashion, visual arts, etc.), focused on skill acquisition and handling of tools. This bridging course, gives students direct access to the second year of our 3-year courses.

Competition will be open until June 28, 2010

Course on Total Design

Make your first inroads into the professional world of design and communication with IED’s Total Design English course.

The Total Design course runs for one whole academic year as crosssectional experience across the main fields of design and communication. This course has been designed for individuals who seek to gain their first professional skills in the areas of fashion, interior & product design, visual arts, advertising and marketing. The course covers all areas from both the theoretical and practical perspectives, including all key subjects required for professional development of project design and culture. The course ends with a transversal final project commissioned by a real company. This year´s project is commissioned by SKUNKFUNK and in previous editions they have collaborated with companies like MUJI and HOSS INTROPIA. For a better understunding of Spanish language and culture, the course also includes Spanish language classes.

Course on Fashion Communication

The Fashion Communication course, taught in English, runs for one academic year, offering students extensive experience in the fields of fashion and communications. This course is designed for individuals looking to commence their education in the world of fashion, styling and communications. The subjects offered in this course cover all theoretical and practical aspects, providing the student with a professional, all-encompassing vision of culture, fashion and communications.

In addition, students who successfully complete this course can opt to enroll in a two-month bridging course, specializing in their chosen field of study (fashion and styling, creative fashion management, advertising or marketing and corporate communications), which gives them direct access to the second year of some of our 3-year degrees. This course, given in July and September, focuses on acquiring skills and handling tools relative to the specific field of design or communications chosen by the student, as well as collaborating with companies on projects.

One Year Fashion Communication: Beginning of Course: October 2010, End of Course: June 2011.

For more infromation on application process please visit the website: http://iedmadrid.com/design-courses-in-english/one-year-courses/ 

2011 Scholarships Of Excellence

The International Centre of Excellence in Tourism and Hospitality Education Limited (THE-ICE) encourages and promotes excellence in tourism and hospitality education. We offer scholarship grants to international students who wish to study tourism and hospitality at a THE-ICE member institution. Our member's programs have been independently assessed and accredited by an international panel and successfully met THE-ICE Standards of Excellence, which were specifically developed to endorse high quality tourism, hospitality and event programs.

Scholarship grants are offered on the basis of academic excellence commencing in Semester 1, 2011 and can be chosen from the programs listed below. All information regarding conditions of award eligibility and selection criteria is included on the application form. Applications for Semester 1, 2011 close on 24 September 2010.

Remember to read the eligibility and selection criteria on the application form carefully. You must meet the criteria to be eligible for consideration. In addition, should your application be successful you will need to apply for a student visa. Details of visa applications and requirements can be found at The Department of Immigration and Citizenship.

Cornell-Nanyang Institute of Hospitality Management Singapore

Cornell-Nanyang Institute of Hospitality Management Singapore is offering an international student scholarship to study the Master of Management in Hospitality (MBA Equivalent) in Singapore.

The Master of Management in Hospitality is on offer for commencement of study in Semester 1, 2011 (May). Applications close 24 September 2010.

Master of Management in Hospitality (MBA Equivalent) 1-Year Programme
* 1 Year Master Scholarship Available
* To commence Semester 1, 2011 (May)
* Scholarship offers a grant of SGD$15,000 towards CNI Tuition Fees
* Application closing date is 24 September 2010.
* Master of Management in Hospitality (MBA Equivalent) Course information

The Australian International Hotel School Canberra Australia

The Australian International Hotel School is offering an International Student Scholarship to study one of the following Associate Degree Programmes-
- Associate Degree of Business (International Hotel Management) 2-year programme
- Associate Degree of Business (International Event Management) 2-year programme

The AIHS programme's are for commencement of study in Semester 1, 2011 and offers the successful applicant AU $10,000 towards Year 2 only Tuition Fees. Applications close 24 September 2010.

Associate Degree of Business (International Hotel Management) 2 years
* 2 year Associate Degree Scholarship available
* To commence Semester 1, 2011 (usually February)
* Scholarship offers a grant of AU $10,000 towards AIHS Tuition Fees Year 2 only
* Application closing date is 24 September 2010
* Associate Degree of Business (International Hotel Management) Course Information

Associate Degree of Business (International Event Management) 2 years
* 2 year Associate Degree Scholarship available
* To commence Semester 1, 2011 (usually February)
* Scholarship offers a grant of AU $10,000 towards AIHS Tuition Fees Year 2 only
* Application closing date is 24 September 2010
* Associate Degree of Business (International Event Management) Course Information

Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School, Sydney Australia

The Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School is offering an International Student Scholarship to study the Associate Degree of Business (International Hotel & Resort Management) 2-year programme.

The BMIHMS Associate Degree of Business (International Hotel & Resort Management) is for commencement of study Semester 1, 2011 and offers the successful applicant AU$10,000 towards Year 2 Tuition Fees only. Applications close 24 September 2010.

Associate Degree of Business (International Hotel & Resort Management) 2-year programme
* Associate Degree of Business Available
* To commence study Semester 1 2011 (usually February)
* Scholarship offers a grant of AU$10,000 to contribute towards Year 2 (Only) Tuition Fees
* Application closing date is 24 September 2010
* Associate Degree of Business (International Hotel & Resort Management) Course Details

For more information on eligibility criteria and to apply, please complete your details at the Log in section. at the program website http://www.the-ice.org/index.php?option=com_pages&Itemid=6. You will then be able to download the Application and Criteria details of the Scholarship.

Applications must be received by close of business on 24 September 2010 for Semester 1, 2011. All scholarship applications need to be posted to THE-ICE postal address. No applications will be accepted via email.

Scholarships are awarded on the basis of excellent merit and winners will be contacted by email.

For enquiries on scholarship opportunities, please email scholarships@the-ice.org.

Doctoral Schools/International PhD Courses at the University of Padova

The University of Padova, Italy, through the funding of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo, offers research fellowships for foreign students to attend Doctoral Schools/International Courses.

For the academic year 2010/2011 Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy, offers 15 research fellowships for foreign students to attend Doctoral Schools/International Courses (see annex 1 at the University website for the full list of doctoral schools and international doctoral courses and related research lines).

The duration of the doctoral courses is three years, starting on the 2nd January 2011 and ending on the 31st December 2013. Each position will be covered by a scholarship of 13.638,47 Euro (before tax) per year, fully funded by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo. During the 3-year doctoral programme (2011-2013), the successful candidates will be offered full board and lodging at the ESU – Azienda Regionale per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario. The connected charges will be covered by Università degli Studi di Padova through Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo.

Applicants are required to meet the following criteria in order to be eligible:
- To have foreign (non-Italian) citizenship;
- To have foreign (non-Italian) residence. Candidates must be in possession of this requirement within the deadline date.
- To have a foreign (non-Italian) academic qualification acknowledged as equivalent to the Diploma di Laurea/ Laurea Specialistica/Magistrale (at least four years of full time university education and allowing to apply for doctoral schools in the country where it was obtained). The acknowledgement of the equivalence of the academic degree will be done by the relevant body of the Doctoral School/International Course, for the sole purpose of this competition.
The application to the competition, written by filling in the relevant forms available at the website: http://www.unipd.it/en/doctorates/grants.htm must arrive within the 2nd September 2010 in two original copies and must be accompanied by the following documents:
- A Curriculum Vitae (see forms A1, A2 and B3) describing the main educational and work experiences as well as the list of publications;
- Study/Research plan (see form B1)
- Personal Statement (see form B2)
- Two letters of reference by professors or experts who have supervised the research and study activities of the candidate. Each of this letters must be put in a sealed envelope signed by the professor/expert and sent along with the application form;
- Two Certificates of the academic degree with the list of the examinations and of the marks and any other certificate that can be helpful for the evaluation of the candidate (e.g. linguistic competences, awards etc.)
- Two copies of the abstract of the thesis (between 3 and 10 pages), if a thesis was written in order to achieve the degree.
If the above documents are not written in Italian or English language, they must be accompanied by a translation in Italian or English language.

The amount of the scholarship is 13.638,47 Euro per year. Scholarships are paid by monthly instalments. The first instalment is paid on the month following the actual beginning of the course. The fruition of the scholarship is conditional on the compliance with the provisions of Annex 2 – General Terms and Conditions for Fellowship.
The amount of the scholarship is increased by 50% for periods of study abroad, excluding the official country of residence of the doctoral student. The periods of study abroad must be authorized by the competent body of the School/International Course.
The successful candidates will be offered full board and lodging at the ESU – Azienda Regionale per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario for the three-year period of the scholarship (2011-2013).
The successful candidates will be exempted from paying attendance fees.
Doctoral students must carry out regularly the activities pertinent to their approved research plan and, at the end of each year, they must present a report regarding the activities performed to the Doctoral Council of the School/International Course. At the end of the three-year programme, they will also have to present a Doctoral thesis with original contributions.
The relevant body of the School/International Course decides about the admission to the following year on the basis of the evaluation of the work performed by the PhD student. The relevant body of the School/International Course may, with a justified decision, suggest to the Rector the exclusion of the student from the Doctoral School/international Course.
The degree of “Dottore di ricerca” is attained once the final exam has been passed. This exam consists of a discussion with the candidate on his/her thesis and it can be repeated only once.

Further information and detailed instructions can be obtained from:
Università di Padova - Servizio Formazione alla Ricerca
Ms. Sara Fedel (+39 049 8273935)
Mr. Marco Santagati (+39 049 8273754)
e-mail: doctoral.grants@unipd.it
fax +39 049 8273780

Facing the Economic Crisis - Role and Possibilities of Youth Organisations

Ecumenical Youth Council in Europe is looking for participants for its upcoming summer event. "To equip the youth organisations with necessary knowledge and skills for addressing the economic injustice, raising awareness of poverty and inclusion, as well as raise their capacity in practical youthwork in these areas" is the main aim of EYCE's upcoming training in field of economic justice. It will take place from 1st to 8th of August 2010 in Klaipeda, Lithuania. Learn about the details and apply now!

In February 2005 Nelson Mandela called upon the world leaders to make poverty history. He mentioned that poverty can be seen as a prison and that it is time to set the imprisoned free. This moving speech and the "Make Poverty History" campaign inspired EYCE and its Steering Committee on Economic Justice to conduct a training course on economic justice and social inclusion of youth with fewer opportunities. The training course "Make Poverty History! - Promoting Economic Justice and Social Inclusion" took place in May 2006 in Bankya, Bulgaria and focused on equipping youth leaders skills needed in order to promote economic justice in particular for unemployed youth and to work for social and economic inclusion of ethnic or cultural minorities.

During the 37th EYCE General Meeting, which took place in May 2009 in Kekava, Latvia, EYCE member organisations raised concerns on these issues again and decided that another thematic training course, concerning poverty and economic justice, shall be implemented.

The Member organisations of EYCE raised concerns, that today, when almost five years have passed since the make Poverty History campaign, and most of the European countries have experienced period of economic wealth, many of the European Counties, and in particular Eastern European countries, are experiencing economic downturn, growing unemployment and people living below the line of poverty, also the gap between the socio-economic classes is increasing.

An alarming number of young people is affected by these circumstances, mainly those coming from disadvantaged social or economic background, and many times from cultural or ethnic minority background, being practically illiterate, unmotivated and with quite few future perspectives. In many cases it is the youth organisations, who are in a position to approach these young people and bring the change.

However, in many cases, the capacities of the youth organisations are not proportional to their willingness to contribute to economic justice, inclusion and future perspectives of young people. Therefore EYCE has made a decision to implement a project, which will focus on poverty and economic justice, in the same time providing the youth organisations with concrete tools and knowledge, how they could raise their capacity in financially difficult time, such as basic skills in financial management, fund-raising and application writing.

* to analyse the current economic situation and issues of social exclusion and economic injustice in particular taking into consideration the European context;
* to explore the role, status and rights of young people and youth organisations in the underlying patterns of economic situation and to identify the obstacles young people face to achieve or maintain a sufficient living standard;
* to explore the role of church and theological approach towards poverty and economic justice;
* to review the corporate justice, ethical records of the companies and fair rules of trade and labour, as well as explore the impact of youth organisations in this field;
* to provide youth organisations with practical training in project development and management and to help the participants to develop concrete projects matching the social realities in their countries and raising awareness on issues of poverty and economic justice;
* to empower youth leaders to make a difference and work towards economic justice and social inclusion.

Profile of participants
The target group for this event are young people (18 to 30 years of age) and youth leaders from various backgrounds, who have interest and minimum experience in the field of economic justice. They should be willing to commit themselves to an open and respectful dialogue. They should also be able to actively contribute to the programme of the training course and have the capacity to act as multipliers on issues of youth participation in their respective countries. We aim at a good age, gender, denominational and regional balance.

Apply now!
Please download the application forms here

Liberty Autumn Seminars 2010 in Slovenia

This fall, Libertarni klub from Slovenia will third year in a row organize two week-long Liberty Seminars. Join us for six days of learning, networking and socializing - all held at Lake Bohinj, Slovenia (about an hour and a half drive from Ljubljana). The Liberty Seminars are open to people of all ages, and from any background. Many participants will consider themselves classical liberals or libertarians, but it is by no means a requirement. Anyone with an interest in the ideas of liberty is invited to take part.

1st Seminar: Liberty Camp 2010 is a week-long seminar that actively explores the historical, philosophical and economic foundations of a free society through engaging lectures, small group discussions, movie screenings, debates and presentations. In an intellectually stimulating environment, develop a deeper understanding of the challenges facing Europe today.

Explore and discuss a range of issues:
    * The origins, meaning and theories of civil and economic rights
    * The rule of law and property rights in a free society
    * Government’s powers and its limitations
    * Theories of justice
    * The nature of a liberal democracy
    * Ways of strengthening civil society

Who should apply?
Graduate students, students enrolled in accredited online schools, junior scholars, young professionals and recent graduates who are interested in understanding foundational principles of a free society. 

September 14-20, 2010 

Hostel pod Voglom, Lake Bohinj, Slovenia  

2nd Seminar: Freedom and Transition 2010 is a unique week-long seminar, dedicated to the advanced study of liberty in European transition countries. Debates and lectures will take you beyond the basic principles of classical liberal thought, while examining the breadth and depth of two decades of economic and political developments in post-socialist Central and Eastern Europe. Join other intellectually curious individuals in applying classical liberal insights into the range of transition issues including:

    * Economic and political institutions
    * Informal rules, the rule of law, and economic growth
    * Governance and corruption
    * Public sector transparency
    * Public choice theory
    * Markets and morality
    * Crony capitalism
    * Failed vs. successful privatization

Who should apply?
Graduate students, junior scholars, young professionals and advanced undergraduate students who are well versed in the principles of the free society and would like to spend an unforgettable week with other individuals who share similar interests in freedom and how to advance the ideas of liberty effectively in the region. 

September 22-27, 2010 

Hotel Jezero, Lake Bohinj, Slovenia  

Faculty of both seminars:
    * Bernard Brščič, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia,
    * Andrei Illarionov, Cato Institute, USA,
    * Rado Pezdir, University of Maribor, Slovenia,
    * Ivica Urban, Institute of Public Finance, Croatia
    * Ljubo Sirc, Centre for Research into Post-Communist Economies, UK,
    * Tanja Štumberger, Cato Institute, USA,
    * Tomek Mickiewicz, University College London, UK,
    * Matej Kovač, Enterprise Institute, Slovenia,
    * Ben Stafford, Foundation for Economic Education, USA,
    * Primož Kocuvan, Libertarni klub, Slovenia
    * Ružica Šimić University of Zagreb, Croatia
    * David Greenwald, II. gimnazija Maribor, Slovenia,
    * and many more.

Costs information
The generous support of private contributors hoping to encourage a better understanding of liberty in the region enables us to offer these two seminars at significantly reduced costs. As a result, the participation fee of a program with accommodation, meals, field trip to Castle Bled and Waterfall Savica, outdoor activities (canoeing, mountain biking, camp-fires, etc.), books and other material is only 150 euros (Liberty Camp) and 200 euros (Freedom and Transition). Accepted applicants will be asked to pay 50% of the participation fee by August 1, the rest of it on the first day of the seminar. 

Participants are responsible for their travel costs to/from the seminar. 

Only the first 40 qualified applicants will be able to attend each seminar.

Both seminars will be run in English.  

More at: http://www.liberty-seminars.net

Deadline: July 1, 2010 

Tanja Stumberger
Executive Director, The Liberty Seminar

Law Is Better Than War!

Thinking about doing something interesting this summer? What about spending some quality time with students from all around Europe while discussing controversial aspects of international law, human rights and humanitarian law?

Set to take place between the 18th and the 29th of July 2010, in Braşov area, Romania, Law Is Better Than War! International Summer School is your solution. At its 7th edition, this summer’s humanitarian law and human rights international school is intended to be a dynamic, motivating and competitive learning environment. The confirmed speaker’s list includes Mr. Almiro Rodriguez, Judge of the International Criminal Court, Secretary of State for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Bogdan Aurescu, prof. Tamas Lattmann from the University of Budapest and Prof. Ionuţ Gâlea from the University of Bucharest. 

Among our parteners, we mention: Policy Center for Roma and Minorities and A.R..D.O.R (Romanian Association for Debates, Orathory and Rhetorics) and soon there will be joining us others important parteners in this field. 

You can also check out our academic agenda at http://libtw.summerschool.ro/academic-agenda.htm.

The participation fees are:
ELSA Members from favoured countries:25 Euros/day (275 Euros/event)
ELSA Members from non-favoured countries: 27 Euros/day (297 Euros/event)
ELS: 35 Euros/day (385 Euros/event)
Non-ELSA Member: 28 Euros/day (308 Euros/event)
Non-Student: 39 Euros/day (429 Euros/event)

Extra fees:
Social program: 20 Euros
Sightseeing: 15 Euros

The participation fee includes: accomodation, meals, study visit, academic materials, diploma

We have extended our deadline until the 15th of June. Send us your application form, available in the “How to apply” section of http://libtw.summerschool.ro at libtw@bucuresti.elsa.ro, no later than June 15th. Hurry up and join this summer’s Law Is Better Than War! International School. Also, should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at the above mentioned e-mail address. 

Training course "Building Radio Jean EU Network"

Are you an EU or Turkish citizen? Are you aged between 17-21? Are you passionate about radio and have already some radio experience? Would you like to build a European platform where you can share your experience in youth radio newsrooms, develop media skills, produce joint radio programmes/formats and launch a youth radio network with other EU young people like you? If your answer is YES, YES, YES, YES! ...then Radio Jeans Network is what you need!

A 7-day training course will take place in beautiful and sunny Liguria (Italy) on 29 July - 3 August 2010. During these intense days you will have the chance to meet other European young media makers, learn how to improve your radio skills and produce a real-time radio show.

What’s more, this is a great opportunity to build your own network of contacts to keep Radio Jeans alive. With more than 40 young people and 10 tutors/editorial committees, this programme enables young people from all over Europe to keep spreading their voice through radio waves. 

Special events will be organised during major EU Youth events (Torino 2010 European Youth Capital, “Printemps des Lycéens et apprentis 2011” in Provence, European Youth Media Workshop in Brussels).

Radio Jeans will book your travel to/from Liguria and cover your accommodation and food expenses during the programme.

Ready to start getting your voice out on European radio waves? Then send a short motivation letter including detailed proof of your radio experience and a proposal of 100 words maximum describing your envisioned radio format/programme for Radio Jeans to l.gambini@youthpress.org.

Applications accepted NO LATER THAN June 15, 2010.

Ukrainian Studies 2010

Ukrainian Studies 2010, organized by NGO Young Diplomacy Centre, will be held in Lviv in September 2010. With a wide range of nationalities participating in the Ukrainian Studies, we stress the importance of understanding Ukraine and of cross-cultural learning by discovering the local culture and socializing with people from around the world!

The purpose of the Ukrainian Studies is to join students from different countries to take part in various interesting activities like:
  • 12 day elementary course of Ukrainian language
  • short review of Ukrainian history and economics, acquaintance with national customs and traditions
  • master class in Ukrainian folk dance
  • excursions in the cultural capital of Ukraine – Lviv
  • trip around the castles of Lviv region
  • and a lot of other fascinating stuffs!
This year we would like to invite 15 young people from all over the world!

Eligibility requirements:
  • 18-30 years old
  • Interested in Ukraine and want to get acquainted with Ukrainian traditions
  • Good command of English
  • Socially active and open-minded
- the organizers provide:
educational programme and materials
• special events
• accommodation and board
• local transportation in Lviv

- participants cover:
travel costs to and from Lviv
• their own insurance
• participation fee of 175 EURO

To learn more and apply, please go to: http://ukrainianstudies.wordpress.com

Summer Law School: "Lisbon treaty. Towards a common Europe"

The ELSA Spain Summer Law School (ESLS) on the Lisbon Treaty is an international academic event open to every ELSA member. It will take place in Marbella, in the "Sun Coast" (Costa del Sol), in Southern Spain, from August 11th through the 14th, and we will enjoy lectures on one of the hottest topics in Europe with the participation of prestigious proffesionals.

You will experience fantastic workshops, conferences and fruitful discussions among participants and experts; essay competition with a wonderful prize, a trip to Brussels for the 5 best essays. And, of course, an amazing social programme, full of activities and parties.

ELSA members  from favoured countries: 27 € per day
ELSA members from non-favoured countries: 31 € per day
ELS members: 36 € per day
Non ELSA members: 36 €  per day
Non students: 36 € per day 

Registration deadline: 9th July 2010

Contact Information:
Germán Martínez Centeno, VP S&C ELSA Spain, Head of OC, vpsc(at)elsa-spain.org 

Neuwaldegg Summer Seminar 2010

Applications are now open for Neuwaldegg Summer Seminar, which will be held on August 8th-15th, 2010 at Neuwaldegg Castle in Vienna, Austria.

The Neuwaldegg Summer Seminar is the annual signature conference of the Neuwaldegg Institute. This week-long learning experience is designed to focus the attention of participants from a variety of fields upon key ideas and concepts that are fundamental to every free society. A team of professors with expertise in different aspects of philosophy will present a wide array of issues to stimulate reflection on the key elements of a stable democracy and genuine freedom.

For the last 8 years, every year 70 students from 28 countries of Central and Eastern Europe participate in the Educational Initiative for Central and Eastern Europe's summer seminar at the Neuwaldegg Institute in Vienna. This year, students, graduate students, and assistant professors from a variety of liberal arts disciplines including psychology, philosophy, politics, business, economics, and law are invited to apply for lectures in Economics, Ethics, Bio-Ethics, Political Philosophy and Metaphysics.

The five course format is as follows:
Economics – Dr. José Piñera
Ethics – Dr. Roger Scruton
Bio-Ethics – Dr. Patrick Derr
Political Philosophy – Dr. Michael Pakaluk
Metaphysics – Fr. Marcel Guarnizo
(with guest lecturer: Mr. Declan Ganley CEO-Rivada Networks)

This year's Summer Seminar provides a unique opportunity to study the fundamental principles ideas and forces that have shaped modern liberal society, its history, identity and challenges. We are especially pleased to welcome Dr. José Piñera, architect of Chile's renowned social security and pension reform, as a lecturer in economics.

Interested persons should register and apply at: http://eicee2.org/e_person_data.php.

Applications are due by July 1st. Please do not forget to apply as well as register. The application form can be found online or can be requested from: hanssem@eicee.org. Applications will be reviewed in the order that they arrive so apply soon.

Neuwaldegg Institute will grant scholarships for selected participants that will cover your lodging, food, books, and the cost of the lectures for the entire week.

Please note that expenses for travel to and from the Neuwaldegg Institute for the seminar are not provided for by the Educational Initiative for Central and Eastern Europe or the Neuwaldegg Institute. If accepted, just get there and the rest is covered!

For further details please contact Mark Hanssen at conference@neuwaldegg-institute.org  or hanssenm@eicee.org.

Jim Ellert MBA Scholarships, IMD Business School, Switzerland

IMD, "International Institute for Management Development," Lausanne, Switzerland, offers Jim Ellert MBA Scholarships for successful MBA applicants who can demosntate their financial need. Jim Ellert MBA Scholarships are intended to attract students from Africa, Central and Eastern Europe (including all former Soviet republics), and the South-Eastern Asian Peninsula (Thailand, Myramar, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Indonesia).

Field of study: Master in Business Administration

Scholarship value/inclusions: CHF 20,000

Eligibility: Accepted candidates who demonstrate strong financial need (with preference given to women). Candidates will also be considered on the basis of merit as per the quality of their admission application. All scholarship applicants must submit an essay on the following topic: ‘Why I would like to do an MBA at IMD’ (maximum 500 words).

Applicants must have been accepted into the IMD MBA program prior to their application.

Scholarship applications are essay based, with winning essays typically including the following features:
* Relevance to the essay title
* Organization and structure
* Fully developed arguments
* Persuasiveness
* Personal element and/or passion

Deadline: The deadline for scholarship applications is 30 September annually.

For further information please go to: http://www.imd.ch/programs/mba/fees/scholarships/Jim-Ellert.cfm 

Odesa Summer School on Maritime Law 2010

Summer School on Maritime Law will take place in Odessa, Ukraine, on 20-25 July 2010. This summer school is the first such academic event for ELSA Ukraine which is offered jointly by the ELSA Odessa and Center for International Law and Justice.

Ocean which occupies 71% of the Earth territory plays an important role in the fulfillment of the economic needs of the inhabited nations. Nowadays world’s merchant fleet from within 46 000 vessels operated by 1,5 million seamen which supply with freight in 380 billions of dollars.

As the “sea lawyers” said that in order to be fluent in maritime law you need to forget all that you were taught on the shore because reverse rules are in action.

The participants will learn from leading maritime lawyers and scholars in the field about general issues of maritime law and dispute resolution practices in public and private spheres. Participants receive hands-on insider information about maritime commercial arbitration, adjustments of disputes between ship-owners and seamen. The course will also cover current trends and situation in dispute resolution in the sea law sphere between the states, as the continental shelf disputes as well as the recent practice of the International Court of Justice in the case of Romania vs. Ukraine (Maritime delimitation in the Black Sea (Romania v. Ukraine).

Also in the end of the law school a moot court on maritime arbitration will be held among the participants.

Alongside with the strong academic program, a social part will be reach in events, e.g. attendance of Odessa sea port administration, visiting the Opera, BBQ at the countryside and of course resting on the beach on the shore of the Black Sea.

Co-organizer: “Center for International Law and Justice”.
Institutional partner: Odessa National Academy of Law.
Partners: Local law-firms dealing with maritime law issues.

Working language: English

ELSA members from favoured countries: 25 € per day
ELSA members from non-favoured countries: 25 € per day
ELS members: 30 € per day
Non ELSA members: 35 € per day
Non students: 35 € per day

The participation fee includes: accomodation, meals, academic materials, diploma.

Registration deadline is June 7th 2010.

Contact Information: Albina Ladynenko, Head of OC, maritimelawschool@gmail.com.

Belgrade Summer School 2010

Belgrade Summer School (BSS) is an annual international language school taking place in Belgrade and Serbia. This year it is organised in two sessions, two weeks each,  from 12 July to 8 August 2010 (12-25 July and 26 July-8 August). Belgrade Summer School is an event gathering young people from across the world with the aim of getting them to know Belgrade and Serbia, places of great cultural and historical heritage, as well as enhancing their communicational skills.

BSS is a national event with international participants. Students have the opportunity to improve on their knowledge of a language of their choice through an intensive two-week programme, with the help of lecturers certified by the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI). Belgrade Summer School offers 10 languages to choose from (Serbian, English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Greek, Russian, Chinese and Arabic), each with two levels of knowledge.

The BSS 2010 programme is divided into two parts: educational and social. The first is comprised of 30-hour language study sessions, whereas the second includes full-day and half-day guided tours of Belgrade and Serbia, which enables participants to get familiar with the culture and history of the country.

The main goals of Belgrade Summer School are as follows:
1. Bringing together young people from abroad who will get to know our country and the locals alike and form long-lasting relationships with other participants.
2. Enabling the members of the Serbian Diaspora to participate in the programme for learning their mother tongue during the summer and deepen their knowledge of Serbian culture, customs and history.
3. Introducing vocational trainings for young people for who the knowledge of foreign languages is a prerequisite for a successful career.
The mission of BSS is to enhance international communication through inter-cultural youth exchange in the same fashion as any other summer schools throughout the world, the BSS project is conceived to contribute to the multi-level improvement of its participants: professional, cultural and social.

The registration will be opened until June 15. Please register as soon as possible as the number of places is limited.

Check out the course fees and the rest of details here: http://www.belgradesummer.org/english/index_en.php.