Ohrid Summer University 2011

Born in 1998, Ohrid Summer University is an academic program for young faculty, PhD candidates, postgraduates, researchers and professionals, which offers intensive, problem oriented and research based courses from the domain of social sciences and humanities. Initiated as a result of the efforts to promote a new, alternative approach in higher education, OSU acts as an educational forum for an open intellectual debate, bringing theoretical investigation and teaching practice, placing together interdisciplinary methodologies and international academic achievements, and providing effective opportunities for educational development of the new generation faculty of different geographical, cultural and ethnic background. 
Each year hosting up to 100 participants from the countries of Central, Eastern, Southeastern Europe and NIS, who attend the Summer Schools' program, and engaging the most prominent professors in appropriate disciplines from the Universities around the globe, OSU has established an international academic cooperation, creating a network of continuous and productive collaboration. Encouraging renewal of the current curricula and syllabi, through creative restructuring of the contents, as well as application of innovative teaching methods and techniques, OSU promotes the establishment of efficient academic curriculum, in line with the recognized standards of international university institutions.  

During the seven years-long period of its existence, through organization of the Summer Schools' program, OSU has engaged itself in: adequate and effective training of the academic staff, demonstration of successful linkage of state-of-the-art scholarship and effective and innovative teaching, promotion of academic excellence and ability to facilitate creation and sustenance of active networks of academics, as well as collaborative advancement of learning in certain disciplines within the international context.

This year several Summer Schools are with the following titles will be held:

“Interdisciplinary Summer School in Macedonian Cultural Identities” - 19th June to 3th  July

In the context of the actual situation and artificially generated issues with the constitutional name of our country, the language, as well as the identity of Macedonian population, it is necessary to think of a seriously conceived and scholarly established inquiry of all the relevant elements related to the expression “Macedonian cultural identity” not as an exclusive feature of the dominant ethnicity in the Republic of Macedonia, rather as a historical category reflecting the cultural existence of Macedonians through the centuries, today reflecting itself in the political and social actuality. The analysis of the binary categories, such are: the Slav ship and the Antique tradition, the national consensus and the multi-ethnical character of the modern state, the deeply rooted orthodox tradition and the respect for the confessional freedom of the population, the national treasury of cultural legacy and the multicultural concept of ethnical cohabitation, created a great deal of confusion at open debates and other subjective forms of discussion and generated negative results reflected in the escalation of the inter-ethnical and inter-religious dialog in the Republic of Macedonia. In that regard, the aim of the School is the professional and scientific analysis of the: historical categories, socio-ethnical and confessional components, language and linguistic forms, cultural traditions and artistic creativity, which should determine and define the components of Macedonian cultural identity as an unity of historical memory, collective awareness and creative potential of the entire population of contemporary Macedonian state.

Eligibility and fees:
Participants must be MA or PhD students from the fields of: history, art history, philosophy, literature, linguistics, cultural studies and cultural anthropology (not older than 36 years of age).

Participants must be a national of one of the countries from Southeastern Europe in order for her/his accommodation costs to be fully covered by the Organizer. The total participation fee will be 150 euro.

Participants from other countries are also eligible to participate, but ineligible for the financial support provided by the organizers. These applicants will have to cover participation fee of 150 euro and accommodation costs.

Number of participants: 15
Working language of the Summer School will be English.

Deadline for submitting the application: April 15th 2011
Deadline for announcing the results of the selection process: May 1st 2011
The full program of the school will be announced: March 1st 2011

Contact persons:
Prof. Elizabeta Sheleva
Director of the Summer School
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
Faculty of Philology
Email: selieva@gmail.com

Ivana Krajcinovik, MA candidate
Coordinator of the Summer School
Institute “Euro-Balkan”
Blvd. Partizanski Odredi 63, 1000, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Tel/Fax. + 389 2 30 75 570 
Email: ivana_krajcinovik@yahoo.com

”Dialectical interdependencies of theory and practice in feminism:
Exploring the issues of gender, transition, and the Balkans- June 19th – June 30th 2011 in Ohrid, Macedonia
“Euro-Balkan” Institute’s Department of Gender Studies within the framework of the Regional Network for Gender and Women’s Studies in Southeastern Europe is announcing the summer school “Dialectical Interdependencies of Theory and Practice in Feminism: Exploring the Issues of Gender, Transition and the Balkans”, to be held 19-30 of June 2011 in Ohrid, Macedonia. The summer school will focus on the question of transition in the Balkans, discourses of Balkanization, and the issues of gender scholarship and activism in the region.
Working language of the summer school will be English.

- Participants must be MA candidate or PhD student in gender studies or any other field belonging to the social sciences and humanities provided that the issues of gender are one of her/his major research/study topics; 
- Participants are expected to be affiliated in any way to one of the institutions members of the Network or can be an individual member of the Network or nationals of the countries represented in the Network (http://www.gendersee.org.mk/conference/index.asp?id=227).
- Affiliates of the cooperating institutions from Switzerland are also eligible.
- Participant must submit an abstract for a presentation in one of the summer school’s workshops or for one of the final presentations sessions (see detailed information below).
- Participants from other countries are also eligible to participate, but ineligible for the financial support provided by the organizers; for these applicants, the fee for participation will be 90 euro. 

Number of participants: 20

Process of selection:  Selection Committee of five senior scholars, members of the Network and invited teachers of the summer school will be set up; this Committee will evaluate the presentation proposals (the submitted abstracts) and based on the above mentioned criteria of eligibility and on the quality of the applications will choose the participants of this event.

Interested applicants should send short CV, abstract for presentation and the available application form.
The application form can be downloaded

Deadline for submitting an application:
February 28th 2011
Deadline for announcing the results of the selection process:  March 10th 2011
Important note:  Accommodation and fee costs for the Southeastern European and Swiss nationals will be covered by the organizer; also, certain amounts for the travel expenses will be subsidised by the Organizer.

Contact persons
Slavco Dimitrov, Project Coordinator
e-mail: slavco.euba@gmail.com, poslediplomski.euba@gmail.com.  Applications should be sent to the Project Coordinator to either of these two addresses.
Dr. Katerina Kolozova, Department for Gender Studies and Dean of the Institute
e-mail: kkolozova@euba.edu.mk
Address: No. 63, “Partizanski odredi” Blvd., 1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Tel/Fax: +389 2 3075 570

“Macedonia on the Pages of Arab and Ottoman Travel Writings” - 19th June to 3th  July
Travel writing literature is a testimony to the narrative of the history of travel. Recognised as a secondary source, it nevertheless begs some questions on a strictly academic level: on the one hand, to what extent does it provide appropriate, objective and selective historical and historiographic arguments and, on the other hand, to what degree does travel writing constitute a recorded historicised memory about the geographic, ethnographic, cultural and socio-political circumstances as seen through the prism of the travelling missionaries visiting a particular geographic area.

The academic goal of the “Macedonia on the Pages of Arab and Ottoman Travel Writings” Summer School is to address the issue of a critical reading of the history of Macedonia in the context of the Balkans and the Mediterranean by examining such sources as travel writings from the period of Byzanthine and Ottoman rule (XI-XIX c.), written in the Turkish and Arab languages. This inter-historic analytical approach will also foster meaningful academic discussions about some important questions: Whether that which the Arab and Ottoman travel writers communicate about Macedonia is a portrayal of a mythologised reality that aspires to become historiographically attested?  To what degree and in what way do these secondary sources contribute to the serious formulation of a historical and cultural picture of Macedonia? What should be the methodological approach to the travel narratives – the narratives about the crossover of religions and cultures in identity formation, the aspects of the colonialist policy, the presence, contacts and influences of other communities in Macedonia (Jews, Vlachs, Turks), as well as their political, secular, religious and cultural reflections in this region – in order for these secondary sources to both receive an adequate treatment and acquire the applicative value that the purposes of the science of history require?

In this regard the School will contribute, on the one hand, to extending the knowledge of Macedonia through the views of Arabic and Ottoman itinerary authors contextualised in given historical and culturological horizon, and, on the other hand, to the analysis of their impact on the forming of cultural-historical image of Macedonia, respectively for the population which has inhabited its spaces. 

The discursive critical approach to travel narratives maintains multidisciplinary links with the linguistic, literary, folkloric, religious, socio-economic and legal aspects of their re-reading.  On the other hand, such a multidimensional approach to travel writing literature expands this school’s primary filed of interest: it does so from a historical perspective and affirms today’s serious methodological need for the techniques of using travel writings to formulate the cultural and historical picture about and of Macedonia.

Eligibility and fees:
Participants must be MA or PhD students interested in exploring the issues of comparative literature, history, ethnology, history of religions, literary studies, linguistics, cultural studies (not older than 36 years of age). 

Participant must be a national of one of the countries from Southeastern Europe in order for her/his accommodation costs to be fully covered by the Organizer. The total participation fee will be 150 euro.

Participants from other countries are also eligible to participate, but ineligible for the financial support provided by the organizers. These applicants will have to cover participation fee of 150 euro and accommodation costs.

Number of participants: 15

Working language of the Summer School will be English.
Deadline for submitting the application: April 15th 2011
Deadline for announcing the results of the selection process: May 1st 2011
The full program of the school will be announced: March 1st 2011

Contact persons:
Doc. Dr. Sofija Grandakovska,
Director of the Summer School
Euro-Balkan Institute
Blvd. Partizanski Odredi 63, 1000, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Tel/Fax. + 389 2 30 75 570
Email: sofija.grandakovska@euba.edu.mk; grandakovska@gmail.com

Dragana Karovska Cemerska, MA Candidate
Coordinator of the Summer School
Email: dragana.karovska@gmail.com

More information on Ohrid Summer University 2011: http://www.euba.edu.mk/about-osu.html

International Conference on Applied Economics 2011, Perugia

Department of Economics and Food Sciences, University of Perugia, Italy and Department of International Trade, Kastoria Campus, Technological Institute of Western Macedonia, Greece organize the International Conference on Applied Economics 2011 that will be held on August 25-27, 2011 in Perugia, Italy. Interested persons are invited so submit their papers for presentation.

The aim of the conference is to bring together economists from different fields of Applied Economic Research in order to share methods and ideas.

The topics to be covered include (but are not limited to):
  • Applied Macroeconomics
  • Applied International Economics
  • Applied Microeconomics including Industrial Organisation
  • Applied work on International Trade Theory including European Economic Integration
  • Applied Financial Economics
  • Applied Agricultural Economics
  • Applied Labour and Demographic Economics
  • Applied Health Economics
  • Applied Education Economics
Call for Papers

The conference will have the following format:
1.Plenary lectures by keynote speakers (only after invitation)
2.Original papers (The selection of papers will be made by peer review of the full paper)
3.Posters (selection is based on a 300 word abstract)

Plenary lectures
Will cover major accomplishments on selected fields of research on Applied Economics (duration 45 minutes followed by 15 minutes discussion).

Presentation of papers
Accepted papers will be divided into several sessions. The full program will be announced on July 2011 (duration 10 minutes, followed by 5 min discussion).

Important deadlines
Full text papers should be submitted by 17th June, 2011 to the following email address: icoae@kastoria.teikoz.gr using the Ms-Word stylefile that can be found here. Writing instructions for the full text articles can be found within the stylefile.

The working language of the conference is English.

Fees and Registration

All conference participants are required to complete the conference registration form and submit it by email to icoae@kastoria.teikoz.gr by the 15th July, 2011.


Registration fees
Early registration (until 15th July, 2011): €250
Late registration: €300
Students: €200 (Please note Student registration applies to postgraduate students only).

Services provided for the conference fees:
* The volume of the conference proceedings
* The bag of the conference
* Lunches, light dinners, coffees/refreshments will be served during the conference breaks

Contact info
Email: icoae@kastoria.teikoz.gr
Postal Address: Prof. Nicholas Tsounis, P.O. Box 30, Department of International Trade, Kastoria Campus,
Kastoria, Greece, GR-52 100
Telephone: +30 2467 87197
Fax: +30 2467 87063

Connaught International Scholarship for Doctoral Students at University of Toronto

The primary purpose of the Connaught International Scholarships for Doctoral Students is to assist graduate units in recruiting and supporting outstanding international scholars to the University of Toronto’s graduate programs. The effective value to each student in 2011-2012 will be $35,000.00 total (including tuition).

  • The department will cover the cost of tuition at the domestic student rate plus the normal minimum funding in the graduate unit of $15,000 or higher (using the normal combination of Research and Teaching Assistantships, UofT Fellowships, etc.).
  • The Connaught Program will cover “top-up” funding to bring the total funding to $35,000 from the normal minimum in the graduate unit ($15,000 or higher).
  • Scholarships will continue in the same form throughout the normal period in the funded cohort (4 or 5 years, according to the standard duration of the department’s funding package
  • Nominees must be new international applicants applying to full-time doctoral or doctoral-stream programs within the funded-cohort (M.A., M.Sc., MASc, PhD).
  • Nominees must begin their program in the 2011-2012 academic year (no later than fall 2011) and cannot have been previously registered within UofT.
Nomination and Application

For the 2011-2012 academic year, 7 to 10 Connaught International Scholarships for Doctoral Students will be awarded. Each graduate unit is invited to submit up to 2 nominations. Please rank the nominations using the nomination form and Excel spreadsheet and include the following:
  • A nomination form (include ranking of nominee in order of merit)
  • A brief cover letter highlighting the strengths of the nominee (one paragraph should be sufficient)
  • All certified university/post-secondary transcripts (official transcripts not required)
  • Two letters of reference (you may use copies of recent letters of reference from your admissions file)
  • Other information such as nominee’s C.V. and/or any other information relevant to the nomination
    Each application should be submitted electronically as a separate PDF-file via email to: tara.lock@utoronto.ca

    Deadline for Graduate Units: Tuesday February 22, 2011 to the Graduate Awards Office.

    Adjudication & Results
    • Nominees will be ranked by the SGS awards committee.
    • Recognizing the importance of timeliness in the recruitment process, graduate units will be informed which of their students can be offered the scholarship on Wednesday March 9, 2011.
    • For successful nominees, SGS will send an electronic-copy of a letter addressed to the student from the Dean of Graduate Studies, Vice-Provost, Graduate Education, with a notice of the terms and conditions of the scholarship.
    • Successful nominees must provide written acceptance of the offer of admission to the graduate unit by Friday March 25, 2011 in order to retain this scholarship. The graduate unit must forward acceptances of the scholarship to Tara Lock.
    • Deferral of admission will result in loss of the offer of the Connaught International Scholarship.
    • If a successful nominee does not accept the scholarship, SGS will offer a Connaught to the next individual on the SGS reversion list.
    • These scholarships are awarded to the students and graduate units may not automatically reallocate the scholarship.
    Terms and Conditions
    • To maintain the award, students are required to be in full-time attendance at the University of Toronto, maintain an A- average, and be making satisfactory progress toward the completion of their degree as determined by their department. Repayment of the award is required if a student is in full-time attendance fewer than 14 weeks in any session.
    For any questions regarding this competition or the nomination process, please contact Tara Lock at tara.lock@utoronto.ca or 416 978-2386

    Graduate Awards Office
    School of Graduate Studies
    University of Toronto
    Room 202 – 63 St. George Street
    Toronto, Ontario M5S 2Z9
    Tel: (416) 978-2386
    Fax: (416) 971-2864
    For more information please view this scholarship announcement.

    8th International Conference "Economic Integrations, Competition and Cooperation"

    University of Rijeka - Faculty of Economics, Chair Jean Monnet University of Ljubljana - Faculty of Economics - Chair Jean Monnet, CEDIMES Paris – Rijeka - Centre d’Etudes du Développement International ed des Mouvements Economiques et Sociaux, University of Antwerp - Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, and Organizing Committee are organizing the 8th International Conference "Economic Integrations, Competition and Cooperation" to be held on April 6-9, 2011 in Opatija, Croatia.

    University and government researchers, economists, business experts, students and other interested parties are invited to submit abstracts for the conference. Potential papers should address any of the following, or related topics:

    • Theory and practice of economic integration
    • Global trade liberalization vs. regional economic integration
    • Competitiveness and challenges of the enlarged EU
    • Business and government perspectives of EU enlargements
    • Case studies on specifics of national economic policies related to economic integration;
    • International business in changing global environment - theory and practices
    • Regulatory environment of the EU; EU and national perspective
    • Western Balkans; trade, cooperation and EU integration perspective
    Interested parties are also invited to volunteer as reviewers, discussants and session chairs. In addition to sharing and discussing ideas, this International Conference is designed to strengthen the spirit of European economic and business cooperation and promote Croatia’s accession to the EU.

    Participation fee constitutes 250 Euros. For students the fee is reduced to 150 Euros. 

    Visit the website for more information on registration: http://www.efri.uniri.hr/english/prikaz.asp?txt_id=6812

    International Summer Program 2011 of the University of Vienna

    We would like to invite you to study at the University of Vienna’s campus in Strobl/St. Wolfgang and, like thousands have done before you, experience an unforgettable summer! The Sommerhochschule of the University of Vienna organizes an International Summer Program every summer. This year Vienna's Summer School will be held on July 16 – August 13, 2011. A limited number of partial scholarships is available.

    The program consists of two two-week sessions and offers European Studies Courses and German Language Courses. The program aims at contributing to an increased understanding of the EU and its presentation of itself as a unity. In this context the diverse student body (up to 100 students from more than 35 different nations) is most conductive to intercultural and social interaction. Taken as a whole, the program offers a concise and up to date introduction to recent developments in Europe which will provide students from different fields of study with additional key qualifications for their future professional work.

    The European Studies courses intend to offer an overview of the present development of Europe and the European Union. They deal with political, economic, legal, historical and cultural aspects of the multiple transformations Europe and the European Union are currently undergoing. Students will study both the processes within the various institutions as well as the goals of the EU as a whole. All courses are taught by internationally trained and experienced leading faculty from the University of Vienna and other European universities.

    Applicants have to be at least 18 years old and must have completed two years of studies at college or university level in their countries of residence or have an educational background equivalent to one year at a European university before the beginning of the program.

    Sommerhochschule fees are € 2,900 which include registration, tuition, accommodation in a double room, full board for the four week session, use of all sports and recreational facilities (including tennis and windsurfing lessons), and all planned excursions. All additional costs for travel arrangements as well as health insurance and medical care must be covered by the participants.

    The scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic excellence and financial need. In order to receive a scholarship students have to proof their financial need by stating their financial situation and submitting related documents. The scholarships range from € 300 to € 2,400. As the program fee is € 2,900 every scholarship students has to pay the remaining amount after subtracting the granted scholarship from the program fee.

    The summer campus is located in Strobl/St. Wolfgang directly on the shore of Lake Wolfgang. Students are generally accommodated in comfortable single or double rooms with private bathrooms.

    Extracurricular activities
    The campus features a variety of sport and recreational facilities (e.g. swimming in the lake, row boats, sports hall, football field). Sport courses (tennis and windsurfing) and dance courses are held by a sport trainer and on the weekends mountain hikes and excursions are organized (Salzburg, St. Wolfgang and Ebensee).

    Read more and apply at: http://shs.univie.ac.at/shs
    Email: sommerhochschule@univie.ac.at

    Coca-Cola Scholarships at the University of Edinburgh

    The University of Edinburgh and Coca-Cola offer a number of scholarships for undergraduate study in any subject offered by the University. This competitive scholarship covers the full tuition fees and an annual maintenance allowance of £5,000. It is tenable for the duration of the programme of study.

    The scholarship is open to self-financing applicants whose personal circumstances would make accepting an offer from the University of Edinburgh difficult. They are awarded to citizens from the following countries who are accepted for admission on a full-time basis for an undergraduate programme of study:

    * Bosnia
    * Bulgaria
    * Croatia
    * Macedonia
    * Montenegro
    * Poland
    * Romania
    * Russia
    * Serbia
    * Slovenia
    * Ukraine

    Applicants should have applied through the University and Colleges Admission Service (UCAS) and been offered a place at the University of Edinburgh by the scholarship closing date of 1 April 2011. The scholarship is not available to students already on programme.

    Completed application forms must be received by Scholarships and Student Funding Services no later than 1 April 2011. Eligible applicants should complete an Coca-Cola Scholarship Online Application form.

    The scholarship covers the full tuition fees and an annual maintenance allowance of £5,000. It is tenable for the duration of the programme of study.

    A University of Edinburgh Selection Committee will meet in May 2011 to select the scholarship holders. The scholarship winners will be announced in late May 2011.

    Scholarships and Student Funding Services
    The University of Edinburgh
    Old College
    South Bridge
    Edinburgh, EH8 9YL
    Work: +44 (0)131 651 4070
    Fax: +44 (0)131 651 4066
    Email: scholarships@ed.ac.uk

    Understanding Europe Summer Program 2011 at University of Tours

    Université François Rabelais - Tours invites applications for its summer program Understanding Europe that will be held on June 20 – July 8, 2011 at the University of Tours, France. 

    This program, to be given in English over a three week period by European and French lecturers from the University of Tours, will concentrate on the construction of Europe. It will conclude with a period of study on the site of the European Institutions in Strasbourg : the European Parliament in session, the Council of Europe, the European Court of Human Rights.

    Before the commencement of the summer school, Frech language tuition will be available over a fortnightly period in the Institut of Touraine. The course will be provided at a reduced rate for students who have registered in the summer school.

    The program also includes cultural activities at weekends (visit of the town of Amboise, Fontevraud Abbey, Guild Museum, Loire Valley chateau…).

    Teaching location : University of Tours
    Duration of program : 3 weeks, 36 hours over three weeks combined with a program of cultural activities over the week-ends. An optional 2-week course in French will be offered before the start of the program.
    Eligible sudents : any student who has completed at least one year in higher education and has an interest in European Institutions
    Language : English
    Subjects taught : political science, law, economy, european culture, french (optional)
    Description :
    - Module 1 : The construction of Europe
    - Module 2 : The European Union (Institutions, community law and European intergovernmental law)
    - Module 3 : Great Britain and Europe
    - Module 4 : The European economy
    - Module 5 : The issue of Turkey’s entry
    - Individual written work
    - regular attendance and participation over the three weeks
    - regular attendance and participation, written and oral work for the French course
    ECTS credits
    The University of Tours will give 6 ECTS for the three-week program, and 3 ECTS for the intensive French course but it is the responsibility of the institution each student attends to take into account, or not, the credits awarded.

    Program Fees
    - Optional Intensive French Course (June 6 – June 17, 2011) : 425 euros (2 weeks, 20 hours / week)
    - Summer Program – Understanding Europe (including cost of the visit to Strasbourg) : 860 euros (250 euros deposit)
    IMPORTANT: several €300 to €500 scholarships are available. 
    - Room in a hall of residence (booked by the university) : from 70 to 120 euros a week
    - Accomodation with a family in town may also be proposed
    Daedline: April 15, 2011. Download the registration form, and the scholarship application form.
    Number of participants : 15 to 25 (if there are fewer than 15 participants registered, the University reserves the right to cancel the program).

    For additional information, please contact Catherine Chevrier : catherine.chevrier@univ-tours.fr or visit the following address : http://www.univ-tours.fr/19327033/0/fiche___pagelibre/&RH=1179842228246.

    Is a Criminal Justice Degree for You?

    Let’s be frank: jobs are hard to come by. People with doctorates are teaching high school English. People with Master’s Degrees are making lattes. Don’t get me wrong: there’s nothing wrong with high school English or lattes – I’ve had both. My point is only that, many of us are not utilizing our educations.

    The world is changing so fast that many of our degrees are “outdated” or at least less useful then they once were. So let’s be frank: there will always be criminals. Okay, maybe not always, but for a while anyway. As long as there is poverty, as long as there is illiteracy and alcoholism, people will continue to commit crimes.

    So, if you are thinking about a new career field, there are a few job opportunities that aren’t going away in the near future. Healthcare is one. Criminal justice is another.

    Don’t click away because you’ve just seen a flashing neon GUN sign in your brain. There are lots of jobs that don’t require you ever touch a firearm. Many companies employ unarmed security teams. Many college campuses do the same. I know someone who earned a criminal justice degree and ended up working as a researcher at a private firm. I am constantly seeing job postings for youth counselors. And while it is not an easy job, a corrections officer position in a jail or prison usually carries an excellent salary and benefit package.

    If you are wondering where to get started, simply explore some criminal justice colleges and universities. These schools can be found in every state, and you can probably find one near you. Go talk to the admissions office. Ask to speak to or shadow some current students. Ask where recent graduates are working now.

    Feeling like you can’t handle another stint of education? You are not alone! If you’ve already invested four years, or eight years, in a career field, it can be really tough to change direction. You can feel like you’re starting over. But realize that you have choices. There are many associate degrees available, as well as bachelor’s degrees. (Of course, if you want to go for another PhD, then by all means!)

    Many schools offer online programs, so if you’d like, you can earn your new degree from the comfort and privacy of your own home. Even the famed University of Phoenix offers criminal justice education.

    Please don’t think that I’m trying to talk you into a career that’s not for you. That’s not my intent. But if you are like many of us, and you are looking for new options, I just wanted to put it on the table: is a criminal justice degree for you? Yes, you should probably enjoy working with people and be committed to making the world a better place in order to take this on. You should probably enjoy helping people and watching Law & Order. (Okay that last part was a joke. Sort of.) But seriously, our world is changing before our very eyes, and if this career field interests you, it might be time to investigate. Pun intended.

    This guest post is contributed by Robin Merrill.  Robin Merrill is a freelance writer who is seriously considering getting a criminal justice degree.

    Master's Scholarships 2011-2012 at Maastricht University

    Maastricht University invites applications for the 2011-2012 Master programs in various fields: Arts&Culture, Behavioural & Political Science, Business & Economics, Education, Health & Life Sciences, Law, etc.  

    Maastricht University (UM) is a European university with a strong international outlook. Cherishing and stimulating talented people and creating opportunities for innovative education and research relevant to today’s society are our core values. 

    To study in Maastricht is to study with an international perspective. When compared to other universities in the Netherlands and its surrounding countries, Maastricht University has the highest ratio of international students, representing all corners of the globe. More than half of our master's students come from outside the Netherlands, and this international flavour is infused into every aspect of our education and student life.

    The diversity of students at Maastricht University is not only a reflection of its quality and location but also of the diversity of programmes offered. Across the internationally accredited, award-winning faculties, Maastricht University has striven to offer the widest range of graduate programmes possible to suit all major areas of study. We also work to offer programmes for full-time students as well as practicing professionals.

    A notable element of our programmes that sets them apart from other continental European universities is that nearly all of the graduate programmes are offered in English.


    The application requirements vary for each master's programme. For detailed information, please refer to the information under the master's programme of your choice. Some master’s programmes require you to first apply via Studielink, the application portal for higher education in the Netherlands. After that you can finish your application to Maastricht University via the My UM portal

    Maastricht University aims at continuously improving its quality as a global institution. The Maastricht University Scholarship Programme enables us to live up to this ambition, as it is intended to stimulate talented non-EEA students to pursue master's programmes and other programmes in Maastricht.

    Scholarships for master's degree students include the UM High Potential Scholarship Programme, UM Company Scholarships, Friends Make the Difference Scholarships and the chance for the top 3% of UM students to study tuition-free. Furthermore, we promote scholarship programmes offered by external institutions and organisations. Go here to find the scholarships for prospective master's.

    There is also the possibility to find scholarships based on the faculty where you would like to study. In addition, we list several scholarships that are organised by country or region of origin. Both of these can be found in the general scholarships section of the University website.

    If you have questions regarding the application procedure, you can send an email to: mastersadmissions@maastrichtuniversity.nl

    Erasmus Mundus Masters Scholarship Program in Language and Communication Technologies

    The Erasmus Mundus European Masters Program in Language and Communication Technologies (LCT) is designed to meet the demands of industry and research in a rapidly growing area. It offers education and training opportunities for the next generations of leaders in research and innovation. It provides students with profound knowledge and insight into the various disciplines that contribute to the methods of language and communication technologies and it strengthens their ability to work according to scientific methods. Moreover, the students acquire practice-oriented knowledge by choosing appropriate combinations of modules in Language Technology, Computational and Theoretical Linguistics, and Computer Science.

    It involves studying one year at one of the Universities of the consortium, and completing the second year with a stay in one of the partner Universities. After this, the student will obtain two already approved Master of Science/Arts degrees with legal value in the countries of issue.

    The amount of the Erasmus Mundus scholarship for students beginning in 2010 is 24,000 Euros per student per year for overseas students and aproximately 10,000 Euros per student per year for non-overseas students. The application for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship is done through the Application Form of the LCT Masters Program, that is, when you apply to the EM LCT program, you are simultaneously applying for the scholarship.

    Application procedure and deadlines

    Complete applications are due for both, overseas and non-overseas applicants on January 17th, 2011 (new deadline).

    Non-overseas applicants are defined as nationals of an EU member state, an EEA-EFTA state (Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein) or other nationals who have carried out their main activity (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in one of these countries. Overseas applicants are all others.

    NB: Special note for applicants from Switzerland, Turkey, Western Balkans region (i.e. Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo under UNSC resolution 1244/99, Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia). Unless otherwise determined due to residency abroad, your application should be submitted under the area “overseas”.

    Prerequisites and Admission
    • Applicants must have a Bachelor degree or equivalent in the area of (Computational) Linguistics, Language Technology, Cognitive Sciences, Computer Science, Mathematics, Artificial Intelligence, or other relevant disciplines, subject to the consent of and the approval by the consortium's admission committee.
    • Proficiency in English (for non-native speakers) must be certified by one of the following:
      • TOEFL score of at least 79 (internet-based test), 213 (computer-based test) or 550 (paper-based test).
      • Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English -- at least B
      • Cambridge Proficiency Exam -- pass.
      • IELTS -- > 6.5.
      • As defined by the individual partner institutions as being sufficient for pursuit of university courses taught in English.
    In order for your application to be considered complete, please:

    I. Please, submit via online form:
    1. a statement of interest written in English. Please write at most two pages focusing on:
      • your reasons for applying
      • your areas of interest in relation to the various disciplines that contribute to the methods of language and communication technologies (Language Technology, Computational and Theoretical Linguistics, and Computer Science)
      • your preferences for the host and partner Universities
    2. a current Curriculum Vitae (CV), written in English
    3. certified copies of:
      • a. your Bachelor’s degree
      • b. certificates attesting to the fulfillment of the language requirements
    4. a transcript of academic records.
    II. You will be providing the names of 2 referees of your choice on the application form. Using the email address you provide, your referees will be contacted and asked to upload letters of recommendation. For your information, the referees will be provided with these forms for the recommendation:
    Alternatively, your referee may send their letter by post to our contact address, but it must come directly from the referee (not from you), be securely sealed, and sent by the deadline.
    If your original documents are in a language other than English, please also submit certified translations.

    Notification of acceptance will be issued by March 31, 2011.

    7th CEU Conference in Social Sciences

    The 7th CEU Conference in Social Sciences “What Follows after the Crisis? Approaches to Global Transformations” arranged by the Central European University will take place on May 27-29, 2011 in Budapest, Hungary. We encourage young faculty and graduate students to propose panels on Political Science, Public Policy, International Relations, European Studies, Philosophy, Gender, Nationalism, Sociology, and Anthropology.

    Following a global financial crisis and numerous political challenges, 2011 appears to offer us new opportunities for engaging in debates and research work. Bridging economic, political, and social challenges this period continues to be a problematic reality check for theoretical and empirical perspectives. Are the current events ahead of scholars’ conceptualizations, politicians’ capabilities, and policy-makers’ solutions? With many challenges ahead, there is a hope to generate interdisciplinary academic debates that tackle relevant topics in their fields of research. 

    Through this year’s conference there is a hope to provide an interdisciplinary space which will enable different perspectives and approaches to come together in order to provide explanations and understandings of contemporary processes.

    The working language of the conference is English. 

    There is no participation fee. Accommodation and meals will be provided for all participants, travel grants are available for panel chairs.
    Young faculty and graduate students are encouraged to propose panels on Political Science, Public Policy, International Relations, European Studies, Philosophy, Gender, Nationalism, Sociology, and Anthropology. Each panel will include maximum 8 papers, each participant acting both as presenter and discussant. Panels should include no more than two participants from the same university/institute. 

    Application process
    Applications consist of the filled application form and a CV of the panel chair. Incomplete panels are also considered (no less than 5 papers). If accepted, the panel chairs will fill their panels in February 2011 when paper applications are possible.

    Panel applications should be sent to: ceuconf2011@yahoo.com

    Deadline for panel proposals: January 25, 2011.
    The results of the selection process will be available by February 1, 2011.

    For further enquiries please refer to this e-mail: ceuconf2011@yahoo.com or visit the official website.

    International Fellowships in Caucasus Research Resource Centers

    The Caucasus Research Resource Centers program (CRRC) is a network of resource, research and training centers established in 2003 in the capital cities of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia with the goal of strengthening social science research and public policy analysis in the South Caucasus. A partnership between the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Eurasia Partnership Foundation, USAID and local universities, the CRRC network offers scholars and practitioners stable opportunities for integrated research, training and collaboration in the region.

    International fellowships in Tbilisi, Georgia; Baku, Azerbaijan; and Yerevan, Armenia are offered on the rolling basis to the applicants having a strong interest and background in the social sciences. Small stipend to cover housing and food is provided; however we encourage candidates to seek outside funding. Duration of the fellowship program - at least 10 weeks. 

    Applicants must have a strong interest and background in the social sciences (policy-related or think tank experience is a benefit); have completed two years of college course work by the time the internship begins (graduate students are highly encouraged to apply); be familiar with Microsoft programs (knowledge of statistical programs such as SPSS or Stata is desirable); have well-developed communication, teamwork and organizational skills; take initiative and work independently with little supervision; and be able to work in a complex environment in developing countries. 
    Knowledge of Russian or a local language (Armenian, Azerbaijani, and Georgian) and experience in the NIS region is a plus. Candidates who have their own research agenda will be given priority. Applicants must be willing to commit to the internship for a minimum of 10 weeks. Candidates should specify if they have a country preference.

    In addition to its core activities, CRRC has a burgeoning number of research projects in which interns in the past have played a pivotal role. Duties may include but are not limited to conducting research (including interviewing local officials and community members and helping manage the questionnaire design process) and helping local researchers publish their findings; organizing social science trainings; updating CRRC's English language materials; preparing outreach materials; updating and managing databases; and organizing special events and conferences. There is also the opportunity to establish long-term cooperation with local researchers and policymakers, as well as learn Russian and/or a local language and conduct research during the course of the internship.

    How to Apply
    Your application should include a scanned copy of your transcript, a resume including three references and a cover letter explaining why this position is of interest.

    Contact Information
    Robia Charles
    Deputy Regional Director
    Email: robia@crrccenters.org

    Website: http://www.crrccenters.org/activities/intfellowships/