X-Change Inc. - Developing Youth Exchanges

X-Change Inc. - Developing Youth Exchanges to combat poverty and social exclusion - This training is organised by Leargas, the National Agency in Ireland for the management of national and international exchange and cooperation programms in education, youth and community work, and vocational education and training. The training will take place on March 04-06, 2011 in Dublin, Ireland.

This is an opportunity to meet project partners working with young people with fewer opportunities to develop youth exchanges through the Youth in Action programm particularly projects working across the theme of Combating poverty and social exclusion.

X-Change Inc. aims to provide space for participants to:
•Develop contacts and networks to engage in youth exchanges with other participants working with young people with fewer opportunities.
•Share information and experiences of their organisation, target groups and projects working across the theme of combating poverty and social exclusion
•Gain a clear view of the possibilities and priorities within the Youth in Action Programm
•Understand how to include non formal learning and Youthpass in your project

Working methods:
This seminar will be dynamic using interactive and non-formal learning methods.A mix of workshops, facilitated discussions and other active tools will be used in which the participants are invited to play a central role.The activities will be led by experienced facilitators in Youth Exchanges and working with youth people with fewer opportunities.

• at least 18 years of age and are able to communicate in English
• working with and interested in develop youth exchanges on the theme of combating of poverty and social exclusion
• working directly with young people with fewer opportunities
• knowing what their objectives are and knowing what their young people want to reach with a youth exchange
• a youth exchange within the framework of Youth in Action

Board, lodging and programme costs will be provided and paid for by the Irish National Agency of Youth in Action. The travel costs will be paid by the National Agency of Youth in Action in your country (Please contact them to check if they will support your participation). The Irish National Agency will request €50 participation fee from Irish participants. Please check with your own National Agency on application for confirmation of participant contribution.

Fill in the application form, available here, and send it to:
Patricia Dalton
Leargas 189-193 Parnell Street Dublin 1 Ireland
Phone: +353 1 8731411 /+353 1 8871218
E-mail: pdalton@leargas.ie

The One-World-Scholarships for Developing Countries

The One-World-Scholarship-Programme is directed at students from developing countries at Austrian Universities and is meant to contribute to the peaceful coexistence of people from different countries of origin by enhancing equal opportunities, dialogue, intercultural know-how and partnership. It has been established within the Austrian Cooperation for Education, and together with the other programmes it supports their concerns (struggle against poverty, resource conservation, peace-keeping etc.), the establishment and expansion of accordingly qualified personnel and the advancement of educational- and economic systems (capacity and institution development) with lasting effects.

It is complementary to other scholarship programmes and laid out globally, it enhances the ability for independent, creative, critical and self-determined thinking and acting and shall strengthen the competence for innovative problem solving strategies. The OWS contributes to the socially required production of knowledge and awareness, it promotes a global perspective and the creation of the globally educated citizen. It attaches a high significance to regional, international and trans-cultural networks. The programme is co-financed (government, church and private funds and own resources of the recipients of the benefits) and significantly contributes to the economic, social and cultural development of the southern countries. 

The One-World-Scholarship-Programme is directed at students from Africa, Asia and Latin America who are interested in development policy and who have come to Austria on their own initiatives, in order to complete their education. With their decision for studying abroad, the students have demonstrated a high degree of assertiveness, creativity and mobility. The scholarship will contribute to following up on the right of education also for those critical and intellectual young people who will find poor conditions in their home countries. These aspects will apply still more strongly to women. So scholarships will offer a chance making up for the ethnic, religious, social and regional discrimination, and in individual cases, also for violations of human rights. 

The scholarships are divided into:
1. Scholarships for the promotion of students doing bachelor degrees (application in Austria)
2. Scholarships for the promotion of students doing doctoral degrees (application in Austria)
3. Scholarships for the promotion of students doing masters degrees and training programmes (application in Austria or in the country of origin).

Through study-accompanying measures (the entire educational measures in the OWS will massively support the publicity for development policy and the intercultural dialogue) - like conducting workshops and seminars on returning home and reintegration, job prospects and job applications as well as respective counselling talks and in-between homeward journeys - the project target of a successful occupational reintegration in the countries of origin can be essentially supported.

  • most important scholarship within the AAI Graz
  • coordinated by the One-World-Scholarship-Team of the contact committee for third world scholarships (study counsellors of the AAI, the LAI, the ÖAD, the ÖOG)
  • co-financed by the Austrian Development Cooperation and the Catholic Womens Movement
  • administrated by ADA (Austrian Development Agency)
The OWS is conceived as a comprehensive programme, which will comprise scholarships and special study expenses, study-accompanying measures and tutoring, study-accompanying training, supporting reintegration and follow up-contacts. The OWS is a mobility programme acknowledged by the Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Art (in terms of scholarship regulations). Recipients of the scholarships are exempt from tuition fees.

The scholarship programme is co-financed with means from the Austrian Development Cooperation, the Catholic Womens Movement and private funds. The monthly allowance amounts between 500 and 550 Euro. 

Students can apply for the scholarships by using the application form between the middle of March till the end of May each year.

You can download the application form here.

Read more about the Afro-Asian Institute Graz and this scholarship program: http://www.aai-graz.at/cms/index.php?page=stipendien&hl=en_US

Third Central and Eastern European Forum for Young Legal, Social and Political Theorists

The Third Central and Eastern European Forum for Young Legal, Social and Political Theorists in 2011 is moving to Belgrade! More precisely, it is coming to the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade. The Forum will be held on March 25-26, 2011.

Ever since its inception in 1808, the Faculty of Law offered in its curriculum courses dealing with legal theory and political philosophy. This theoretical tradition was developed under the strong influence of the major European continental schools of thought, most notably German and French, not least due to the fact that a number of future professors at the Belgrade Faculty of Law received their doctoral degrees at some of the prestigious universities in those countries. With the ever-growing influence of the Anglo-American theorists in the second half of the last century, this has become an additional source of inspiration for the development of legal, social and political theoretical thought at the Belgrade Faculty of Law. Rooted in this myriad of influences and oriented towards regional and global cooperation, the present Department for Theory, Philosophy and Sociology of Law of the Belgrade Faculty of Law is an ideal organizational focal point for the third venue of the Forum. It will be additionally supported by the organizational assistance of the Serbian section of the IVR.

Third Forum will be organized in the year of several tremendously important anniversaries for all those interested in the topics of legal theory and political philosophy. We will celebrate 100 years from the publication of the first important theoretical account of Hans Kelsen - Hauptprobleme der Staatsrechtslehre (1911). Furthermore, we will mark the 50-years anniversary of one of the most important contemporary books in legal theory - Herbert Hart´s The Concept of Law. Finally, 2011 Forum will also be an opportunity to assess the 40-years heritage of the most influential 20th century account of justice - John Rawls´s A Theory of Justice. In that respect, our intention is to organize majority of workshops within the two major general panels of the Third Forum - 20th Century Legacy of Legal Positivism and Justice after Rawls. Even thoughthese two general themes are broad enough to meet diverse interests of the Forum´s participants, the organizers will, nonetheless, also convene the so-called Open panel for papers that might target some other interesting topics from the vast area of legal, political and social theory.


As in the previous Forums, the target audience of the conference are junior legal, political and social theorists coming from, currently studying or working in Central and Eastern Europe. The conference language is English. 

Application and Paper Submission

An up to 500 words abstract, indicating the preferable general panel, should be submitted in the available application form by 15 February 2011 by e-mail forum2011@ius.bg.ac.rs. Acceptance of the papers will be communicated by 1 March 2011. Participation without presentation is possible as well.

Costs and Fees

The conference fee for all participants is 50 Euros and it covers conference material, three meals, and coffee and snacks during the breaks (payment instructions). Participants shall make arrangements and pay for their accommodation individually. In addition to offering some options for lodging at the conference website, the organizers will try to negotiate some subsidized prices for the conference participants. 

For all the updated information, please visit the conference website http://forum2011.wordpress.com.

We are happy and eager to host you in Belgrade next spring!

Journalism Internship Opportunities 2011

Please find below the information on 2011 internship opportunities in journalism and communication at Deutsche Welle, Estonian Free Press, and Eur@dioNantes.

Internship Opportunities at Deutsche Welle

Internships of one to two months are open to students of journalism at German broadcaster Deutsche Welle.

Internships with Deutsche Welle are offered in all departments in which journalistic work is carried out: DW-RADIO, DW-TV, DW-WORLD.DE, DW-AKADEMIE and the communications department. Deutsche Welle places great emphasis on involving the trainee as much as possible in an editorial department’s day-to-day work. The more practical experience the trainee already has, the better his or her chances of being allowed to carry out journalistic or editorial tasks. Applicants must have completed at least three semesters of his/her studies and they must possess some experience of journalism in radio, TV, or multimedia.

For an internship with DW-RADIO, DW-WORLD.DE, DW-AKADEMIE and the communications department in Bonn, applications may be submitted all year round to: jouausb@dw.world.de. For an internship with DW-TV in Berlin, applications for the period between July and December 2011 should be submitted in April. Submissions for Berlin should be made to Fabian von der Mark: fabian.von-der-mark@dw-world.de.

For further information about criteria and procedure, see Deutsche Welle website.

Estonian Free Press Intership 

Estonian Free Press is looking for interns to cover different positions in the magazine starting from January 2011. Applicants must be able to work at least five full days per week (in case of full time internships) or five half days (in case of part time internships) from the month of January. They will participate to the normal daily editorial routine which includes attending conferences, events and meeting with key people of the Estonian public life.

Responsibilities include assisting editors with research for current and upcoming issues, fact-checking, proofreading, producing articles, conducting interviews and participating in the editorial planning meeting.

The ideal candidate will possess: excellent English communication skills, meticulous attention to detail, with the ability to juggle multiple duties. This person must have experience in Word and Excel. Editorial internships at Estonian Free Press are open to graduates and university students – a major in journalism is an advantage but it is not mandatory.

Interns will be requested to participate to the magazine’s daily tasks as all other members of staff do and they will receive practical experience in the use of publishing software and search engine optimization.

Estonian Free Press offers different internship positions starting from a minimum of three to a maximum of 12 months both full time and part time. To apply for an editorial internship, please, send a cover letter together with a CV to: info@estonianfreepress.com.

Eur@dioNantes European Radio Station - Call for Interns

Eur@dioNantes, a European Radio station based in Nantes and supported by the European Commission, has recently launched the selection process of its upcoming European team of interns.

Eur@dioNantes is currently looking for high-level bilingual (in Fench) students in political science, journalism or European studies who are interested in European issues and who would like to get a formative experience in the world of New European Media.

The internship will run from 15th February 2011 to 13 July 2011 in Nantes. Application documents should be returned before the end of January 2011. The interns will receive a monthly allowance of about 417€.

The Eur@dioNantes team is composed of several young journalists who come from all over Europe and are trained at the radio station in Nantes. They are coached by French professional journalists, who have had years of experience in journalism. For several months the journalists will learn how to create new ways of listening to European information. They will have to immerse themselves into the local environment in Nantes and compare what they see and hear to the wider frame of European news. The aim is to open new perspectives and consider the implications of what is happening on a cultural, economical, social or political level on a local, national and European scale.

The United States Meets Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders

The United States Meets Europe is a network of likeminded individuals from across the world, who have an active interest in international affairs, cultural exchange, and the European-American relationship. Members can join the forum by taking part in a USAME Weeklong Seminar. The forthcoming USAME Weeklong Seminar will be held in Washington DC & New York on 3rd – 9th January 2011, and will focus on the following theme: “Beyond Mars and Venus: The Transatlantic Relationship in the New World Order.”

The Forum is aimed at young professionals and students, economists, diplomatic and political representatives, and civil society practitioners. The weeklong seminar will consist of lectures, seminars, workshops and panel discussions by leading figures from the fields of politics, diplomacy, civil society, academia, and the private sector, which will offer a range of perspectives on the issues at stake, the challenges ahead, and the new strategies and approaches being taken to address these challenges. The program will be complemented by cultural and social activities that will provide an opportunity to experience the diversity of the respective cultures and provide networking opportunities between the participants themselves, as well as between the participants and speakers.

In particular, the next USAME Weeklong Seminar will focus on the following themes:

* The State of Transatlantic Relations Today: Confronting Immediate Issues and Identifying Future Challenges
* Foreign Policy in an Increasingly Multi-Polar World: The Application of Hard and Soft Power by the US and Europe
* The Future of International Governance: Reforming the UN Security Council and the Role of the G20 as an Engine of International Decision-Making
* How can Europe and the US Work with Developing Countries to Support Progress in Addressing Poverty, Corruption, and Infrastructure?
* NATO and the Future of International Security Organisations: Managing Threats from State and Non-State Actors
* In the Wake of the Global Financial Crisis: Coordinating the New International Financial Architecture and Preventing Future Crises
* Climate Change: US and European Perspectives

Institute for Cultural Diplomacy

The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is an international, not-for-profit, non-governmental organization with headquarters in Berlin, Germany. The goal of the ICD is to promote global peace and stability through strengthening and supporting intercultural relations at all levels. Over the past decade the ICD has grown to become one of Europe’s largest independent cultural exchange organizations, whose programs facilitate interaction between individuals of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds, from across the world. 

Previous events held by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy include “A World without Walls: An International Congress on “Soft Power”, Cultural Diplomacy and Interdependence”, which marked the twentieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.  In February, 2010, the ICD hosted the Berlin International Economics Congress: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of the Roles of Global Politics & Civil Society in International Economics. In May 2010 the ICD hosted The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy 2010.

Eligibility of Participants

The Weeklong Seminar is open to students and young professionals with an interest in transatlantic relations, as well as international stakeholders from civil society, the media, the private sector, and international politics.

Application, Fees and Accomodation

The participation fee for the next USAME Weeklong Seminar is $265 (or 195 Euros), which should be transferred by individuals after they have been accepted to the program. 

As a not-for-profit organization the ICD is able to book accommodation for the preferred rate of $67 per night (or 49 Euros) (to be shared with another participant). 

For further information, please contact at: usame@culturaldiplomacy.org

Open Society Foundations / University of Oxford Scholarships 2011/12

The Open Society Foundations / University of Oxford Scholarships, which are funded by the Open Society Foundation-London and the University of Oxford, are intended to provide opportunities for postgraduate study in the United Kingdom for applicants who demonstrate both academic excellence and the potential to become leaders, decision makers and opinion formers in their home countries.
• All applicants must have completed at least three years of BA course (in the Bologna system) or four years of university study and have obtained, or expect to obtain, the appropriate degree(s) not later than September 2011;
• Applicants must be citizens of and resident in one of the following countries during the academic year in which they apply for the award: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia, Croatia, Georgia, Macedonia, Moldova, Serbia;
• Selected one year taught Masters courses within the University of Oxford’s Social Sciences and Humanities Divisions;
• Applicants will be required to have passed an English proficiency test before being offered a Scholarship.

List of courses
MSc in Material Anthropology & Museum Ethnography; MSc in Medical Anthropology; MSt in Social Anthropology; MSc in Social Anthropology; MSc in Russian & East European Studies; MSc in Economics for Development; MSc in Education (Child Development and Education); MSc in Education (Comparative and International Education); MSc in Education (e-learning); MSc in Education (Higher Education); MSc in Applied linguistics and Second language Acquisition; MSc in Biodiversity, Conservation & Management; MSc in Environmental Change & Management; MSc in Nature, Society & Environmental Policy; MSc in Water Science, Policy & Management; Magister Juris (Mjur); MSc in Law and Finance; MSc in Criminology & Criminal Justice; MSc in Social Science of the Internet; MSc in Political Theory Research; MSc in Politics Research; MSc in Evidence-Based Social Intervention; MSc in Sociology; MSt in Medieval History; MSt in Modern British and European History; MSt in Global and Imperial History; MSt in US History; MSc in Economic and Social History; MSc in History of Science, Medicine, and Technology; MSt in History of Art and Visual Culture; MSt in Late Antique and Byzantine Studies; MSt in Medieval Studies; MSt in Women’s Studies.

You apply as part of your application to study at the University of Oxford. You do this by ticking the “Open Society Foundations Oxford Scholarships” box in section M of the Application Form for Graduate Study 2011-2012. Local representatives of Open Society Foundations will assist you by arranging for your application to be sent to Oxford, and will also arrange for payment of the £50 application fee.

* Application Form for Graduate Study (and all required supporting materials)
* Scholarship Supporting Statement for University of Oxford Masters applicants
* Eligibility Requirements Self Assessment  Form in two copies (one original set of documents and one set of photocopies)

Each scholarship provides tuition fees and college fees at the University of Oxford, a stipend to cover living costs (for one person only) and return air travel from the scholar’s home country. On completion of the scholarship, scholars will return totheir home countries to continue their studies/work there.

To learn more, please go to the official website.

International Summer School "US Europe – Towards a Multicultural Continent"

University of Graz, in cooperation with the Commission of the European Bishops' Conferences of the European Community (COMECE) and the Diocese Graz-Seckau invite you to participate at the International Summer School "US Europe – Towards a Multicultural Continent" that will take place in Seggau, Austria, on July 2-16, 2011.

Our Summer School is designed for highly motivated students, who wish to discuss and deepen their understanding of current European affairs by focusing on European identity, on the EU on its way towards a possible United States of Europe, and Europe’s position as part of a global system.

Aims and Objectives

Interdisciplinary meeting and cooperation of teachers and students, focussing on East- and South-Eastern Europe and dealing with the cultural, intellectual and historical dimensions of current European affairs in view of Europe’s positioning in a globalized world. Developing and educating young leaders of tomorrow from the fields of politics, administration, business, science and religion.

5 good reasons to apply:
  • 2-week summer University with a campus atmosphere for 80 students and 15 teachers
  • 6 ECTS transfer (for participation and seminar paper)
  • 2 lecture series, 6 parallel seminar modules: Law & Politics, Economy & Innovation, Society & Culture, History & Power, Ethics & Religion, Media & Communication
  •  Discussions with international lectureres and guests
  • All-inclusive-package (tuition fee, meals, accommodation, excursion to Graz).


The Summer School is designed for advanced students in their second term, students with a Bachelor degree or students working on their final thesis. Students from all faculties are welcome to apply. Students in their first or second semester are welcome to apply for the Summer School. All places not taken by advanced students will be given to undergraduate students. Students have to document that in July 2010 they are enrolled (or somehow are going to be enrolled) at a university. If that is not possible for you, you can send an application form anyway and try to explain your special circumstances.

Academic Program

* Seminar Moudle 1 - Law and Politics
* Seminar Moudle 2 - Economy and Innovation
* Seminar Moudle 3 - History and Power
* Seminar Moudle 4 - Society and Culture
* Seminar Moudle 5 - Ethics and Religion
* Seminar Module 6 - Media and Communication

Participants will receive a certificate of participation at the end of the summer school. Furthermore, it is possible for participants to gain 6 ECTS credits points in this summer school project. To obtain these credits, students have to participate in the full program AND write a seminar paper. This paper has to be written for one of the lecturers of the afternoon seminars.

Costs, Funding and Scholarships

The International Summer School Seggau is funded through grants given by sponsors and donators from all over Europe. For that reason it is possible to reduce the tuition fee for students to the small amount of Euro 450.- (reduced fee Euro 300.-) which would never cover the actual costs (€ 1.300) of the project. Travel arrangements have to be made and paid for individually. Please keep in mind that in case of internet banking there may be bank service charges!

Scholarships are available and will be awarded upon nomination for the program. When being nominated, students from the South-East Europe region pay € 300 every other student pays € 450 for the whole program.

Thus, if a student is accepted for the summer school, s/he pays:
€ 300 (for students from Eastern or South-Eastern Europe)
€ 450 (all other students)

Students coming from the following countries will only have to pay tuition fee of € 300: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine.

Note: Students have to pay for their travel costs and organize their trips themselves!

Application process

Please include the following documents in your application:
* application form with passport size photograph
* curriculum vitae (CV)
* one short essay regarding your motivation (written by yourself)
* 2 letters of recommendation (written and signed by two different university teachers)
* copies of certificates/diplomas or at least an academic transcript (ONLY from the University!)
* proof of enrollment at your home university
* copy of relevant pages from passport (page with data and picture, and page with visa if necessary)

The application form also includes further details and instructions. Application form will be available starting from December!


Applications have to be received by March 20th 2011. Make sure your application arrives by post in time at our office. Applications received after this deadline will not be accepted!

More information can be found here.

Leaders of the Borders, Borders of the Leaders International Conference

University of Oradea, University of Debrecen and Institute for Euro-regional Studies Oradea-Debrecen invite you to participate in the International Conference Leaders of the Borders, Borders of the Leaders on 31 March – 02 April 2011, in Oradea, Romania.

Panels of the Conference

I. Political leadership and the borders of Europe during the Cold War
This section focus on the role of political leaders in changing the European borders during the Cold War. New post-war borders: physical, ideological, cultural, economic borders.

II. United Europe, Europe of the leaders: European borders from 6 to (+)27
This section specifies the role of different European and national leaders in the transformations of internal European borders in the process of passing from the Europe of 6 to Europe of 27 (or more, if the article is a prospective one). A considerable attention is paid to the role of the leaders in the process of “humanizing” the borders (i.e. realisation of Schengen space).

III. Border and leaders after the end of the Cold War: the disappearance/ appearance of the borders
This section highlights the role of the “toxic” and/or the “charismatic” leaders in the transformation of the borders, such as in the cases of former Czechoslovakia and/or of former Yugoslavia crisis; Moldova/Transnistri a crisis; Caucasian region crisis. This section proposes the challenge concentrated on the potential possibility of the “charismatic” leaders being “toxic” leaders simultaneously.

Conference Fees

The conference participation fee is 50 EUR.

The organisers cover:
  • Two days’ accommodation
  • Lunches and dinners for the two days of the Conference
  • Conference proceedings and materials
The participants from the West Balkans countries and from Republic of Moldova are free of charge as regarding the participation fee. The organiser will not cover the travel expenses of participants.

Schedule of the conference

15 December 2010: deadline for abstracts of papers & short biography of authors
30 December 2010: selection of the participants
15 January 2011: distribution of participants in the panels
15 March 2011-final confirmation of participants; the deadline of fee payment (if is the case)

How to apply

In order to participate, please fill the Registration Form.
Filled Registration Form and the proof of fee payment should be sent by the conventional mail  (Cristina Dogot, Universitatea Oraddea, 1 Universitatii Street, Oradea, Romania) or by e-mail (dogot@igri.ro; cmgheorghe@yahoo. co.uk). Proof of fee payment should be sent until 15 March 2011.

Selected papers presented in the conference will be published in the issue no.11 of the review EUROLIMES, the Journal of the Institute for Euroregional Studies Oradea-Debrecen and “Jean Monnet” European Centre of Excellence, edited by professors Ioan HORGA (Oradea) and Istvan SULI-ZAKAR (Debrecen).

More information can be obtained from 
PhD. Cristina Dogot: dogot@igri.ro or cmgheorghe@yahoo.co.uk.
University of Oradea
Faculty of History, Geography and International Relations
Specialization: European Studies and International Relations
Tel: 0040-745- 434070

You can find the call for papers here

Netherlands Fellowship Programme 2011 for Master's Degree

The Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP) are fellowship programmes designed to promote capacity building within organizations in 60 developing countries by providing training and education to their mid-career staff members. The NFP is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the budget for development cooperation.

NFP fellowships can be obtained for a selected number of master’s degree programmes. The Dutch higher education institutions offer many international master’s degree programmes, covering almost every field of study.

Candidates can receive a postgraduate education and earn one of the following Dutch degrees: Master of Arts, Master of Science or a Professional Master’s degree. A Master of Arts or a Master of Science degree is an academic degree, usually awarded by traditional (research-oriented) universities on completion of a postgraduate research-oriented course of one to two years in duration. Professional master’s degrees are awarded by different types of higher education institutions that offer more professionally-oriented programmes. Professional master’s degrees are usually of shorter duration than a research-oriented master’s degree programme. The duration of the programmes varies between 9 and 24 months.

The Fellowship
An NFP fellowship is intended to supplement the salary that the fellowship holder should continue to receive (at least partially) during the study period. The allowance is considered to be a contribution towards the cost of living for one person, whether in the Netherlands or in another country. It should be noted that NFP allowances are not sufficient to support family members, either in the home country or in the Netherlands. The fellowship can cover the costs of tuition fees, visas, travel, insurance and thesis research, as specified in the NFP booklet ‘Rules and regulations for fellowship holders’. Different conditions may apply to e-learning courses or e-learning programmes.
An NFP fellowship is granted for the duration of the programme. Whilst the individual candidates are selected for a fellowship, the grants are awarded to the Dutch higher education institutions to enable the fellowship holders to pursue the chosen sub-programme.

Afghanistan, Albania, Armenia, Autonomous Palestinian Territories, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Burundi, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cape Verde, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, DR Congo, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Georgia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea-Bissau, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Kenya, Kosovo, Macedonia, Mali, Moldova, Mongolia, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan,Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Surinam, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe.



  • peference will be given to candidates from Sub-Saharan Africa, women and members of priority groups and/or marginalized regions
  • be a national of, and working and living in one of the developing countries on the NFP country list above at the time of application
  • be a mid-career professional with at least three years work experience
  • be nominated by his/her employer, who pledges to continue paying your salary and guarantees that you will be able to return to the same or an equivalent position at the end of your fellowship period
  • have been unconditionally admitted by the University of Twente to one of the master degree programmes. This means that you must have met all admission requirements set by the University of Twente
  • not already have received an NFP master’s degree fellowship
  • have completed an NFP Master’s Degree Programme application form and have submitted all the required documentation to the Netherlands embassy or consulate
  • not be employed by a multinational, UN organization, World Bank, IMF,bilateral or multilateral donor organization, or a large national, commercial organization
  • have completed and submitted an NFP master’s degree programme application, including all the required documentation, before the fellowship application deadline
  • be employed in an area to which the study will make a relevent contribution
  • have a clear-cut, functional relationship with a relevant organization and be in a position to introduce the newly acquired skills and knowledge into that organization
  • offer evidence of proficiency in speaking and writing the language of instruction
  • be available for the entire period of the programme and be physically and mentally able to take part in the entire programme

  • Digital applications; 1 February 2011
  • Paper applications: 1 January 2011

Volunteerism and Philanthropy: Ideal or Ideology?

Coinciding with the European Year of Volunteering and LCC International University's 20th year as an institution founded on volunteerism, LCC International University (Klaipėda, Lithuania) will be holding a multidisciplinary conference titled Volunteerism and Philanthropy: Ideal or Ideology? on April 8-9, 2011.

Across the globe there is growing interest and involvement in volunteerism and philanthropy resulting in the widespread distribution of necessary resources. Medical research, educational development and the flourishing of the fine arts have been indebted to patrons and benefactors. Nonetheless, volunteerism and philanthropy raise many theological, ethical, economic and sociological questions. What effect do the generous donations of the wealthy have on non-governmental organizations and governmental organizations? Why is it that, in general, volunteerism and philanthropy flourish in capitalist countries? Is it not odd that such generosity flows out of a system dependent on consumerism? 

Do the social democracies of Europe need the concepts of philanthropy and volunteerism? What are the benefits of spreading the ideals in central and eastern Europe and what is and should be the role of politics, the Church, and artists in this endeavor? How can volunteerism and philanthropy help solve social problems without emphasizing social differences? Are volunteerism and philanthropy modern concepts, or perhaps a by-product of the Protestant work ethic? Is the motivation for philanthropy and volunteerism the same for secular humanists as for Christians and other faiths? Volunteerism often has been the purview of missions and the religious. How has their work affected nations and cultural narratives? Likewise, how has literature participated in shaping our understanding of wealth and the philanthropic responsibilities it carries? With this topic this conference aspires to engender dialogue, reflection and new insights.

We accept papers from academic researchers and university teachers, as well as intellectuals working outside of academia. Students are also encouraged to apply and participate. The language of the conference is English but papers may also be presented in Lithuanian. Paper presentations will be no longer than 15 minutes, with an additional 5 minutes allocated for questions. Papers presented at the conference will be considered for publication in the journal LCC Liberal Arts Studies.

Abstracts for Paper Due January 15, 2011
Early Registration Ends March 25, 2011

Fees for attendance:
Early Registration (until March 25th, 2011):
* 90 LTL (26 EUR) – All sessions and Friday reception;
* 35 LTL (11 EUR) – Friday session and networking reception;
* 60 LTL (17 EUR) – Saturday sessions only.

Onsite registration:
* 110 LTL (32 EUR) – All sessions and Friday networking reception;
* 50 LTL (14 EUR) – Friday session and networking reception;
* 70 LTL (20 EUR) – Saturday sessions only.
Contact information: lccaac@lcc.lt

Radvyda Vaišvilaitė
Conference Co-Chair

Andrew Kaethler
Conference Co-Chair

MA Programs at the Institute for Social and European Studies

The Institute for Social & European Studies (ISES) in Koszeg, Hungary together with Corvinus University of Budapest, offers international multidisciplinary research and educational programmes that provide young academics and thriving professionals with a diverse education in European integration and regional cooperation, international studies and cultural heritage management. 

Internationally recognized for its high level of academic achievements, ISES was awarded the designation of Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence in June 2010. This award is granted to university-level institutions by the European Commission for top quality research and innovative teaching related to European Integration.

The Institute for Social & European Studies welcomes students from around the world to immerse themselves in a highly challenging and rewarding academic experience, having applied for the following programs in 2011:

Since 2005, the Masters Programme in International Economic Relations with a special focus on European Integration Studies at ISES, has provided students from around the world with the opportunity to obtain theoretical and practical knowledge in the fields of international relations and economics, regional and global studies, political science, sociology, European culture and history. 

2011 Spring Semester: 31st of December, 2010
2011 Fall Semester: 31st of July, 2011

Basic requirements for application to the program include:
  1. At least a B.A.-level diploma, preferably in related social scientific fields;
  2. Advanced level English language certificate (TOEFL 79-80 iBT/213 CBT/550 PBT points, Cambridge Advanced Certificate, IELTS min. 6.0 overall band.) or any other relevant English language diplomas;
  3. A fully completed application package.
To apply to the MA Program you will need to submit the following:
  1. A completed application form
  2. A curriculum vitae (CV)
  3. Copies of diplomas and transcripts (may be faxed/scanned)
  4. English language exam certificates or any other evidence of English knowledge
  5. Motivation letter (1-2 pages), indicating your fields of interest and how you hope to benefit from the program
  6. 2 passport-size photos
  7. 2 letters of recommendation (should be sent by you in a signed and sealed envelope or faxed/e-mailed by the professor)
  8. Writing sample
  9. Proof of payment of the application/registration fee
Application/registration fee: 60 EURA non-refundable application fee must be paid upon the submission of the completed application form. Proof of payment needs to be shown at the ISES office.

ISES Foundation offers a wide range of scholarships for outstanding students from all over the world, which can include the reduction of tuition fees or extra scholarships. The Institute provides partly scholarships from its own financial resources, the amount of scholarship depends on the quality of the application package and the students' achievement during the courses. Further possibilities are the Central European Initiative and International Visegrad Fund.

The Cultural Heritage Management & Sustainable Development Programme is the first of its kind in Hungary. It offers students a post graduate opportunity to examine the growing demand in Europe for trained professionals who possess the skills and education to examine the concepts and relevance of cultural heritage and the sustainable, functioning systems meant to preserve and protect cultural heritage for future generations. 

The Cultural Heritage Management Programme currently offers the following specializations:
  1. Theory of Cultural Heritage
  2. Museum and Heritage Collection
  3. Cultural Heritage Management
The development of this programme is supported by the Norwegian Grants

To learn more about the Institute, Master programs, application requirements, scholarship procdure, etc., please visit the page: http://www.ises.hu/en 

TICTAC Network Training in France

TICTAC is a Network Training open for all National Agencies for the Youth in Action programme and targets at voluntary and professional youth workers and youth leaders involved in international youth work and interested in using Action 4.3 (also within 3.1) as support measures in their organization’s long term strategy.

By bringing together representatives of youth organisations from different European countries, the TICTAC TC aims at improving the potential of the participants to get involved in Action 4.3 of the Youth in Action programme and consequently increase the quality of Training and Networking activities.

The international dimension of the TICTAC TC is given by the different nationalities of participants and trainers team. This is an asset for the intercultural dimension of the course. The course methodology is based on the concept of experiential learning, in an atmosphere where participants can learn a lot from each other and have a lot of fun. Within the frame of ‘recognition of non-formal learning’, participants will receive a ‘Youthpass’ Certificate after the course upon their request.

-  promote the YiA Programme as an Educational Tool;
-  explore the YiA Programme with a special focus on the aims of Action 4.3 and its activities;
-  understand the role of Action 4.3 & 3.1 projects within a long term strategy;
-  simulate the first steps of organising an Action 4.3 & 3.1 project within an international team;
-  develop participant’s competences in Planning Non Formal Education and InterculturalLearning Processes;
-  promote Youth Participation and European Citizenship as key elements when designing a YiA Project;

* youth workers and youth leaders experienced in international activity
* participants from: Belgium – FR, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Turkey, Croatia, SOUTH-EAST EUROPE, EASTERN EUROPE AND CAUCASUS, Switzerland

To be checked with the National Agency of your country. The travelling and hosting costs for the participants from Eastern Europe and Caucasus and South East Europe will be covered.

European Forum of Students for Legality

FLARE – Freedom, Legality and Rights in Europe –  would like to present to you its following international event: European Forum of Students for Legality, that will take place in the European Capital of Youth – Turin, Italy from the 5 to 7 of December 2010.

After the end of the event, participants will have the opportunity to join a bigger FLARE event on the topic of globalisation and the struggle against organised crime in Europe in the ‘capital of the EU’, Brussels, Belgium on 9 and 10 of December 2010. The forum is promoted by FLARE Network and coordinated together with the students’ organizations at the University of Turin UniLIbera and Studenti Indipendenti.

The goal of the forum is to provide space for sharing knowledge and experiences between 30 students from different European countries who have been involved in student movements and initiatives which voiced the students needs for freedom of expression, students rights and equality, anti-corruption in the higher education system etc.

Based on the shared knowledge the participants of the forum should come up with their own Student Declaration for Legality which should be used as a international tool for advocacy for students rights and freedoms trough out Europe. This document will be drafted by the students and distributed by them to their colleagues and student organizations at their Universities.

After the realisation of the declaration, participants will travel to Brussels (Dec 8 ) to attend a conference on the topic of globalization and struggle against organised crime on 9 and 10 of December where they will have the chance to visit the European Parliament, and present their work and product to a bigger international community.

Undergraduate and post graduate (current or recent) students coming from European countries (EU and non-EU). Experience and engagement with student movements and student organizations is a plus.

Board and lodging as well as local transport to facilities will be fully covered by the organizer. Trip from Turin to Brussels and back is also covered by the organizer. Participants shall receive 70% reimbursement from the travel expenses not exceeding 350 eur.

Fill in the application form available here, and sent it to the following e-mail adress, before 11 November 2010: nina.pavlovska@flarenetwork.org 

Humanity in Action Fellowship 2011

Humanity in Action (HIA) fellowship programs will take place for five weeks in the summer of 2011 (June 2 through July 3) in Amsterdam, Berlin, Copenhagen, Lyon, and Warsaw. Intensive and demanding, the HIA fellowship programs bring together international groups of college students and recent graduates to explore national histories of discrimination and resistance, as well as examples of issues affecting different minority groups today. 

Each program is highly interdisciplinary, and features daily lectures and discussions with renowned academics, journalists, politicians, and activists, as well as site visits to government agencies, non-profit and community organizations, museums, and memorials. The programs seek to bridge the gap between theory and practice and highlight different models of action to remedy injustice. 

The objective of the HIA fellowship is to facilitate a collective exploration of the social and political roots of discrimination, as well as to provide a forum where potential solutions can be considered and discussed. The programs are also intended to instill a responsibility among HIA Fellows to recognize and address the need to protect minorities and promote human rights—in their own communities and around the world.

To this end, HIA Senior Fellows (alumni of the HIA Fellowship) are expected to participate in HIA’s international network once their programs end—and to sustain their engagement in the issues addressed during the fellowship.

Eligibility for scholarship
Applicants to the HIA Fellowship must be currently enrolled students (sophomores, juniors, and seniors), or recent graduates (classes of 2009 and 2010) at accredited, four-year colleges or universities in the United States. HIA seeks applicants who are mature, proactive, self-reliant, and comfortable in intensive group activity and interaction. All majors and academic disciplines are encouraged to apply. Applicants may not apply to a program in a specific country and cannot choose their city of participation.

HIA covers the costs of participation and accommodation during the fellowship. However, all Fellows will be responsible for financing the cost of airfare to participate in the program. HIA will cover this cost for Fellows with documented need.

Last date to apply is January 10, 2011. 

Contact email: mp2496@columbia.edu

Campus for Finance New Year Conference 2011

New Year's Conference - Campus for FinanceThe next edition of the Campus for Finance New Year Conference 2011 - will be held in Vallendar, Germany, on January 13-14, 2011. Campus for Finance New Year's Conference is the leading finance conference totally organized by students and unites top students, successful corporates and renowned academics The topic of the next Conference is Financial vs. Real Economy — Two Sides of the Same Coin? You may apply as a student if you are enrolled in either a bachelor, graduate or full-time MBA program.

Explore the fascination of future financial markets. More than 15 speeches will be delivered by high-ranking corporate and renowned academic speakers from around the world (including Nobel laureate and several CEOs and CFOs. Discuss current developments in the financial industry with renowned academic experts and business leaders. Engage in networking opportunities. Meet more than 200 invited international students from leading universities around the world.

Get to know our sponsors during the Corporate Fair and participate in exciting workshops. Workshops will be provided by our sponsors Barclays Capital, The Boston Consulting Group, CNC, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, HSBC Trinkaus, KPMG, Leonardo & Co, Morgan Stanley, Rothschild and Oliver Wyman.

Entrepreneurial Talks
Entrepreneurial Talks will offer the unique opportunity to have a close informal talk with business leaders and gain insights about their way to success.

You may now apply using online application tool. Application is open until 30th November, 2010. 

Participation Fee: 70 EUR, including accommodation, meals, shuttle service, final party.

Travel Subsidies
Due to the sponsorship of our corporate partners, we are able to offer travel subsidies to participating students. The subsidies will be given to you in cash during the Corporate Fair of the New Year's Conference. Please understand that we cannot provide you with your travel subsidy prior to the conference. The amount of travel subsidy depends on the region you are coming from.

If you have any questions, please write to info@campus-for-finance.com.

Website and applicationhttp://cms.cffit.de/NYC/Overview/

Scholarships at Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva

Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, awards several scholarships to Master and PhD students. Awards are based on academic merit and financial need. The Graduate Institute is an institution of research and higher education dedicated to the cross-cutting disciplines of international relations and development studies.

The Institute, keen to draw on the synergies offered by its two fields of specialisation, offers independent and rigorous analyses of current and emerging global issues with a view to promoting international cooperation and making a contribution to the development of less fortunate societies. It fulfils its mission through the provision of postgraduate-level teaching (Master and PhD), thematic research on important issues, executive education and the organisation of forums for forward-looking reflection.

There are three categories of scholarship:
  • Full scholarships: with a few exceptions, these are worth CHF 18,000. Recipients are exempt from Graduate Institute tuition fees; however they are still required to pay University of Geneva tuition fees. Some full grants are awarded subject to special conditions (duration of study and/or geographical origin of students).
  • Partial scholarships: the value of these grants varies according to the individual needs of the recipient student. These grants do not cover tuition fees which recipients of partial grants are required to pay.
  • Tuition scholarships: these grants cover tuition fees for one academic year. They are awarded to exceptional students.
Scholarships are awarded for one year, with the possibility of renewal.

The different scholarships awarded by the Institute include:
  • Scholarships from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, intended for nationals from countries of the South or countries in transition;
  • Scholarships financed by a Geneva-based foundation and granted to students from developing countries on the proviso that they undertake to return to their country at the end of their studies so that their fellow countrymen may benefit from their training;
  • Elemér Hantos scholarships awarded by the Fondation pour l’Europe centrale and intended for students from the region;
  • Fondation Ousseimi scholarships intended for students from Mediterranean countries;
  • One or two Tokyo Foundation scholarships usually awarded to PhD students;
  • Shelby and Kathryn Davis scholarships intended for PhD students from American universities or from Muslim countries;
  • Pierre du Bois scholarships intended for Latin-American students of the Institute’s International History and Politics PhD programme;
  • Gallatin scholarships intended to finance 10-months’ study by a PhD student in an American university of their choice;
  • The Washington DC Alumni Chapter Scholarship awarded to a first year PhD student from an American university;
  • Scholarships from an anonymous donor recommended by the Geneva-based CARIGEST SA and intended for Master’s students for the 2009-2010 academic year, scholarship requests must be submitted directly to the Institute; and
  • A grant from the Bank SYZ & CO SA awarded to a Master’s student in economics for the 2009-2010 academic year.
Candidates who wish to apply for financial assistance must return the duly completed scholarship request form together with their application form by 15 January 2011. Current students are also eligible to apply for scholarships to assist them with their studies. The deadline for applications is 30 May 2011.

Other financial assistance is available from: 
  • The University of Geneva’s Bureau de l’information sociale, the Bureau Prix-Bourses-Subsides (information in French only) and the University of Geneva office for FFELP.
  • The Swiss Confederation Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students
  • The Permanent Mission of United Arab Emirates in Geneva, for UAE Nationals (contact: Mr Osama Fargal).
Note: Students in receipt of grants from sources other than the Institute or the Swiss Government are required to pay the Institute’s tuition fees.

Employment possibilities at the Institute
There are a certain number of paid employment opportunities available at the Graduate Institute including teaching assistant positions and general support positions (telephone operators, library assistants, IT assistants, etc).

Human Security and Security Strategy: Institutions and Policies in a European Perspective

Jean Monnet International Conference "Human Security and Security Strategy: Institutions and Policies in a European Perspective" will be held in Kiev, Ukraine, on 26-29 May 2011. The event is sponsored by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, European Commission’s Directorate-General for Education and Culture, and implemented by the International Association for Institutional Studies, Ukraine.

National security policy, and more specifically the nationalising of security policy, has been competing with an increasing recognition that many security problems are transnational in nature and can only be tackled in cooperative efforts. Yet, while the EU has given institutional expression to such cooperative efforts, its member states, especially since 9/11 and similar attacks in the UK and Spain for example, have to some extent begun to emphasise more strongly the need for a national security policy/strategy/doctrine.

Against the background of these developments, we invite proposals for papers that will conduct a thorough analysis of EU security strategy and policy and/or of that of its member states. We specifically seek single or comparative case studies that examine the process of formulating security strategies and their implementation, the interaction between respective processes at national and EU levels, and the results of security policy implementation in discreet cases. Proposals for conceptual papers in any of these areas are also welcome.

Submission Process
Interested scholars should submit an abstract of no more than 500 words, as well as full contact information and details of their current institutional affiliation and status. This information should be submitted in the body of an email and sent to tatjana@dsum.edu.ua and s.wolff@bham.ac.uk. The organisers particularly encourage early-career researchers and advanced PhD students to apply.

The deadline for submission is 15 January 2011. Decisions will be announced within four weeks of the submission deadline.

Funding and scholarships
- There will be NO registration fee for the conference.
- Accommodation and meals for participants will be organised centrally and should be budgeted at approximately €50-100 per day, including breakfast and lunch.
- A limited number of scholarships are available to assist participants with accommodation and travel costs. 

Please indicate in your submission whether you want to be considered for a scholarship.